Since people can drown in water, we must ban water!
Since people can drown in water, we must ban water!
I read an article about how many more Teslas failed the safety check in Germany, and the % was extremely high compared to other cars! The thing that failed the most was the breaks, as they had rusted. If you live in the Northern hemisphere where there’s snow, Tesla recommends to have the car in for service to clean the breaks, lubricate etc. every year. It’s not a high cost (1200 DKK) compared to other yearly services.
Yoho hey ho, it’s on the seas we roll 🏴☠️
But that would mean that the slaves workers would have rights, and we can’t have that! Think about the shareholders! Line 👏 must 👏 go 👏 UP!!
I’ve read news about better battery technology for YEARS, and then nothing. Repeat the cycle.
Let me know when it’s released to the public and actually usable.
I use PodcastAddict, and they have a one time purchase for nothing. Been using it for about 8 years, and still updated regularly. Highly recommended!
Science: “Look, we’re destroying the earth, and this graph explains it.”
Shareholders: “Great job. Now for the next fiscal year, line must go up, so continue what you’re doing if you want to keep your job to survive, else, we’ll take our money and give it to someone who can make the line go up.”
You do‽ I had no idea. And it’d be great if the standard for USB-C was more than form only.
Extremely, but that’s what happens when people make good games which has no MTX, pay to win etc.
Rocket league. 8000 hours. Haven’t played in about two years.
Second would be HOMM3.
Haha, I remember taking my desktop and 19" CRT in my newspaper trolley to LAN parties in snow in Norway. The cover was great, but I also remember that my computer was driven to my house afterwards. I was too tired to drag it up the hill after not sleeping for days lol. Good times 🙂
I thought I was the only one here who was dumb enough to get one!
Trained in Among Us. We should ban it!
So AOC hired Luigi. And since AOC is a Congress woman, that would mean it was ordered by congress! Everything’s coming together…
If they all suck, are they all not doing exceptionally well? I, too, can make statistics say whatever I want. If you manipulate the data, then a lie will sell itself.
Have you played Psychonatus 2? How does it compare? I haven’t, but I’ve been wanting to, but I also have limited time, so I’m looking for the next game after Baldur’s Gate 3, which I’ll complete in the next 3-4 months with my availability lol
Never seen it before, and I got it as bed bugs straight away. It’s in the punchline.
I think ARPANET will have something like this once they got it working