Apparently, I just had to give the full path /home/bob/miniconda3/bin/jupyter-notebook works perfectly! Thanks to for solving it for me.

note: which jupyter-notebook returned the address

(base) bob@bob:~
$ which jupyter-notebook

btw, this issue as old as time. Even Jesus had this problem while using Linux :(

Edit 2: I was wrong. It’s using bash. I got a echo $SHELL and it was /bin/bash. but even though the jupyter-notebook path has been added to $PATH variable, it just won’t execute.

Edit 1: I don't think keyboard shortcuts and menulibre don't use bash shell. After reading logs I realized that it was as if jupyter-notebook wasn't even installed when I am executing through shortcuts and menulibre. I have added the jupyter path variable to .bashrc, the only way this can not work is if the bloody thing isn't running on bash shell.

Terminal log when executed by terminal

Log when executed by a shortcut

/home/bob/jupyter_notebook_unofficial: line 6: jupyter: command not found


Firefox command work perfectly without any problem, but jupyter notebook command which works in terminal doesn’t work on either keyboard shortcuts or on menulibre. The file has max permissions to run

Script Copy

jupyter notebook
firefox http://localhost:8888/tree/Documents/Programs

What I have tried

  1. I have tried to run in terminal, not run in terminal on menulibre
  2. I have tried entering these commands in the command column

    `bash jupyter_notebook_unofficial`
    `bash ./jupyter_notebook_unofficial`
    `bash ./home/bob/jupyter_notebook_unofficial`
	`bash /home/bob/jupyter_notebook_unofficial` 

I have also tried all this combinations with and without .sh at the end of the file name.

All of these would work on terminal but not as shortcuts or on menulibre.

  • deadcadeA
    1 year ago

    I don’t know the solution. But important note: if you mean this program when saying “menulibre entry creator”, it’s very sketchy. The last time I read through the source code, it wasn’t malware, but many changes have happened since then. The source code is a complete mess, and the author does not even have an online alias (other than libre-menu-editor). I would recommend avoiding it.

    (If you’re using some other software, please ignore this)