nice update for canary today. tl;dr:

  • the branch has switched back from zn_release to rs_prerelease & the dev semester is now gallium
  • all new features from moment 3/4 & dev have been foward-ported & re-enabled including:
    • dev drive
    • the new windows app sdk file explorer UI
    • windows backup
    • rgb lighting settings
    • passkey support
    • action center improvements (seconds on clock, new vpn experience)
    • emoji 15 support
  • rust code is actually (unlike the false alarm before) in the windows nt kernel now (gdi region, win32kbase_rs.sys)
  • 3d/gradient emojis are finally here (with a new emoji font format)
  • windows arm32 support is dead
    1 year ago

    Rust in the Windows kernel, eh? I suppose it really shouldn’t be that surprising at this point with Linux making the move first, but still. I guess I’m a little surprised.