• TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    If God ordered segregation, then in that case it wouldn’t be morally wrong. So yes, I’d do it.

    The problem with the fruit of knowledge is that it gives us the ability to sin as we have the knowledge of what’s right and wrong. It’s not something that needs to be taught to us.

    If one knows what is right and wrong then one would know what is sin. Ergo, one would avoid committing sin since the person knows the difference, yes? Then why does Yahweh denied such knowledge to people, but instead letting them constantly making sins micromanaging them? The last paragraph is key here because a benevolent god would not create and his/her subjects constantly committing egregious errors. Christians constantly states Yahweh gave human free will and thus. For there truly be free will, then Yahweh should grant humans knowledge to make choices, because one cannot have free will without being informed and thinking for themselves. Denying humans the ability to know does not make them possess “free will”, it makes them controlled.

    Therefore, this reinforces the original position that religion is the surrender of agency and freethinking, leading to unquestionable obedience and submission to authority. Akin to supporting segregation, yes? Just because it’s the rules, would you agree? Those Germans who committed to murdering Jews were only following orders, yes?

    Yahweh is a war/storm god out of the pantheon of other polytheistic Canaanite religions.1 2.