International cybercrime, as portrayed by the movies and mass media, is a high-stakes game of shadowy government agencies and state-sponsored hacking groups. Hollywood casting will wheel out a char…
That did not deter the duo who continued hacking with Lapsus$ and successfully breached Nvidia, a Silicon Valley tech giant that makes chips for artificial intelligence chatbots, in February 2022.
Sounds like something written by AI, ironically. That’s the most talked about thing for the moment, so that’s what it picks up on. It doesn’t care if it’s correct.
Was reading Hackaday’s source article on BBC and came across this:
That’s a funny as fuck way of classifying Nvidia.
Sounds like something written by AI, ironically. That’s the most talked about thing for the moment, so that’s what it picks up on. It doesn’t care if it’s correct.