Telegram is known as a privacy-focused secure messaging app because it markets itself that way. However, it is often criticized by security experts, privacy advocates, and people with common sense who can understand why its claims about being privacy-friendly don't make sense. In this brief article, I'll show you all
A good alternative is a federated, selfhosted solution hosted in a jurisdiction unfriendly to yours.
If you want to self-host chat, Conduit (implementation of a Matrix server) is really nice. Much better than the official Matrix implementation (Synapse).
Yes!! I hosted it, indeed much lighter on resources! Broke encrypted rooms a few times, but overall was fine. However, it lacks deletion of old media and messages, so I broke it while trying to delete big media one by one (it broke displaying of ALL media). And when I reinstalled, a reinstall just didn’t launch. So… While it is 100% on me, feels like it’s still not the optimal solution if you’re constrained on disk space.
Doesn’t need to be unfriendly, just needs to not kow-tow to your jurisdiction.