Fuck Windows and Microsoft really. Today I had a meeting call through Teams first thing in the morning so I start my computer 10 minutes earlier than the call because it takes a like 3 or 4 minutes to boot and for Windows to be responsive. Windows decides to apply some past update so it takes 2 or 3 additional minutes which is fine, I am just in time for the meeting call. Well, 10 minutes into the call a notification in windows appears that the computer will restart in 5 minutes and with no option to postpone WTF. Imagine this was an important sales call, an emergency or something else critical, I might be fucked. The computer restarted I started my linux personal computer and I connect my bluetooth headphones to the it but no, they were connected to the Windows computer while it was restarting so I could not just call from it as the microphone started failing a few weeks ago. (I will just replace it, thanks Framework). So fuck my company for using Windows. Fuck Windows for developing such a nightmare OS with so shitty code. This was for sure a patch for a critical vulnerability, like always. And WTF this is Windows for a business, have a fucking super stable branch that does not need patches every other day. I don’t care about your updates to the shitty weather widget, just have a fucking working operating system that let’s me do my work. Fuck Microsoft monopolistic practices that keeps people and businesses from switching to Linux. There is no better publicity for Linux that Windows itself. Most Linux/GNU distros just let you choose when to update.
I’m happy my company basically issued a ban on Windows without pre-authorization. We’re entirely a macOS and Linux shop.
Some governments outside the US either already have or are ditching Windows for Linux.
The differences in sheer speed and responsiveness is something FOSS alternatives need much more publicity about. When the requirements for one product are “help the user do what they want” and the requirements for another product are “synergize the KPIs of these 53 stakeholders in our trillion dollar conglomerate, monetize our market position in every way possible, and check the minimum viable checkboxes to keep end users engaged with the brand” it shows!
Windows to Linux is of course the most significant and worthwhile. As I like to describe it, even using the most full-featured distros out there (Linux Mint Cinnamon gang represent!) any flavor of Linux is like greased lightning compared with windows. And I mean Windows 10, not even 11.
A few weeks ago I turned on an old secondary desktop PC that had been powered off for a month. It had numerous updates, everything except installing a new named version. Even the kernel. I decided to time it. From the time I opened the software update GUI – including typing in my password, letting it download, letting it install, getting the “yo, reboot when you’re ready,” etc – it was done in 5 minutes. And those were 5 minutes where the computer was totally usable. Running the current version of the full featured Linux Mint Cinnamon 22.1 on a PC from 2011!
My favorite recent example is the switch from Plex to Jellyfin. Now granted, fully self-hosting means more IT admin type stuff for me so that family members and I can securely connect remotely. But god damn if every single app I have tried doesn’t feel like warp speed compared with the Plex versions. Did you know that watching my media using the WebOS app on my LG TV does not have to be dog shit slow? And don’t even get me started on phone apps like Finamp. (it really whips the jelly’s ass?)
I recently had a spare machine sitting around doing nothing and was feeling a bit masochistic, so I decided to install Windows 11 on it just to see what it was like. I’ve used Windows 10 a tiny bit but essentially haven’t touched Windows in years. A couple of the fun things I noticed:
After installing, I was going to set a new wallpaper. I double-clicked on a jpeg file and instead of opening it, it popped up with a window asking me what I wanted to do with this apparently unknown file type. I literally said out loud, “what do you mean, it’s a fucking jpeg.” Then it did the same thing for a .zip.
I also made a restore point once I had all the basics installed, so I could roll back when Windows inevitably fucked up doing an update. I then did the first big update and it fucked it up. “No worries” I thought, “I made a restore point!” I went to restore it, and discovered that for some unknown reason Windows only saves one restore point. This wouldn’t have been a problem, except that Windows had decided to fuck itself up, and then automatically overwrite the manual save point with it’s own save point from immediately after it fucked itself up, leaving that as the only thing to restore to.
I then quite sensibly formatted the drive and went back to using Linux.
One similar thing happened to me on windows 8 (except I wasn’t testing it, I lost everything on my pc that day because it didn’t just fail to update and restore…it just fucked my drive with it !), so it’s not even a new type of issue. Even windows 10 was fucked, had a friend who never used bitlocker, never even knew it was a thing, who got his pc encrypted by it after an update, unable to unlock the damn thing, every solutions failed and had no other choice but to wipe his drive. It’s crazy how bad and unpractical windows can be.
Winblows 10 did the exact same bitlocker crap to my best friend and attorney.
A month ago, a windows update made my laptop crawl to a stop. It needed 2-3 hours to respond after a restart/shutdown. It would crash saying the search wasn’t initialised, I couldn’t type into the search. Fucking nightmare
I feel your pain. Aside from being slow as balls despite modern hardware, my Windows PC has a habit of occasionally locking up when I RIGHT CLICK on something T_T
Then it takes several minutes of no start menu/task bar, no trackpad gestures, no file explorer, etc before everything goes back to normal… for a few seconds before explorer crashes again. The only solution is a reboot.
I’m genuinely scared of doing anything on this machine.
I’m assuming the windows machine is a work PC and the Linux is yours right?
Because what you describe doesn’t sound like a “windows” issue but rather an IT management issue.
You can put off updates and reboots a very long time. And always be able yo postpone them.
Applying updates on boot daily sounds dumb to me. But I’m also figuring your IT dept has poor (or no) sense in managing their inventory well. Most updates can be applied silently at a scheduled time.
Also, your machine sounds old and/or poorly maintained the way you describe it. If its more than 5 years old your company is just cheap.
I’m all for griping about Windows but this seems off to me.
Windows also used to show me the ugly face of Trump in the start menu even if I didn’t ask for it. That was more than 4 years ago. Recently was accidentally hovering over some ‘copilot’ button in Edge of a friend. And again - pop-up with Trump. So yes: fuck Windows, fuck Microsoft
Wow, that is some nightmare fuel type shit. That’s actually crazy.
I’m no Windows fanboy but I have to use it quite a lot, at home and at work. I don’t know what versions or settings you guys have set up but I’ve never had a Windows update I can’t postpone, ever.
Some years ago I was working on something, and took a break for dinner. When I got back, Windows had rebooted for updates and I’d lost some work.
I run a server in my house so I set up MECM and haven’t had an issue since.
In corporate managed fleet of PCs updates are pushed by the company internal management systems. Some companies give you a 24hours option, some others (ahem, power tripping sysadmins, I know, I was one) say “fuck you and your work, you install when I say so”. It’s not strictly a Windows thing, it’s a company policy.
Depends on the settings your IT has set up… Mine will let you put it off, but after a couple times you’re left with no choice but to let it run.
but after a couple times you’re left with no choice but to let it run.
That would be an user issue then. If I have an update I’ll try to do it asap, if I can’t then end of my shift.
Well for one, I’m not sure I consider it an “issue”… But yeah, it’s absolutely 100% on me lol…
It’s not always due to procrastination… Sometimes it’s not convenient to immediately do it. If it’s a long thing I’ll just take a short break and go for a walk or something…
That also shocked me. Then again, Windows does suck pretty bad.
I have had several, but usually you had like 1 hour. Entreprise windoze 7 a couple of years ago, happened several times. There was also some update that bricked some 50% of the dell laptops lol, mine went through but my colleagues sweated bullets.
Now it’s force restarting “outside business hours” or some crap. How stable.
Me neither, until today…
24h2 is now a forced upgrade
Afaik there’s a GPO for that
I call BS on OP, just another ragebait made-up story.
Forced restarts haven’t been a thing for years, unless the OP somehow badly setup their machine.
Windows fr thinks that getting updates done is more important than getting work done.
This sounds like a problem with your organization. I use windows at the hospital where I work, and we don’t run into these kinds of issues. Yeah it is rife with other issues like goading you into using microsoft edge, one drive, and more, but updates are handled by IT.
I unplugged my company issued Windows 11 Dell laptop from its charger yesterday so that I could go ask a manager a question in their office, and the entire computer just shut the fuck off despite having full charge. I’m so glad I moved all my personal stuff to Linux.
Heh that’s a hardware issue.
Sounds like you have a bad battery
Or bad Dell drivers, or Microsoft software. Not my picture, take with a grain of salt as they say.
Possibly, though I would be surprised. I only recently got this job so the laptop is brand new, but I have also had it long enough that it was an odd and unexpected event, before then I had not had any power issues, and not since either. Since it is not reproducible, I’m not so sure it is the battery.
Outside of this, it is either Win 11 or the Dell hardware that has other peripheral issues. Often when disconnecting from a secondary display, the screen freaks out and I have to try again. Furthermore when logging into the laptop remotely, Windows 11 for some reason decided to wipe out cleartype, making all the font textures crunchy, despite having set Remmina to connect with best-quality settings.
I see enough weird behavior out of the Dells at work and their USB-C docks so I can believe it. Not detecting the dock, not charging from the dock, ports not working on the dock, randomly insisting the dock isn’t compatible. Even the machines that end up as folding desktops that never get disconnected from their dock end up doing this stuff. I really had no use for a laptop anyway so I finally convinced them to give me a desktop.
my boss told me today if we moved to literally any non-microsoft platform or software, i’d be out of a job.
and he’s right. most of us only have careers because microsoft can’t push out a software that’s more than barebone functional - and everyone use them even if there are far superior alternatives out there literally only because of familiarity.
i’m not planning to stop giving microsoft shit of course. they should be criminally prosecuted over their exchange service even and how it’s blacklisting competitors to force businesses onto the platform a la microsoft classic tactics. but eh.
You want to use Linux and yet you don’t know what a newline character is?
why bother with that in a rant, I say it’s bloat, and they were right to no use it. in fact now that im thinking about this i realize i can save a lot of time if i dont give a shit what the text looks like. cry about it
And consonants too
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