• That_Devil_Girl@lemmy.ml
    7 hours ago

    So non-theistic Satanists are basically atheists?

    Yes, it is an atheistic religion. That may sound strange to people who aren’t familiar with world religions, but there are a number of atheistic religions out there.

    I am not quite Familiar with Right/left decomcratic/liberal and conservative politics

    That’s fair. The left wing in the US wants to tax the rich, expand social safety nets, make healthcare free and universal, make college free to the public, build up the infrastructure, and protect civil rights. The left wing has no Repuplicans and very few Democrats in this political camp. This is where the majority of Satanists are.

    Then there’s the political “center,” though the term has lost all meaning. They serve and obey the rich to the detriment of all others, they do very little for the people, they’re wildly corrupt and serve their own financial interests. This is where the vast majority of Democrats are, and a handful of Republicans.

    The right wing in the US is basically the new Nazi party. They serve the rich to the detriment of everyone else, they want to reinstitute slavery, deport everyone who isn’t white, reduce women to property, exterminate all LGBTQ+ people, and take away civil rights. It is Christian nationalism. The right wing is made up of nearly all Republicans and a handful of Democrats as well.

    And also why the name “Satanist” if the community is about pacifism and humanitarian? I have no doubt they and you are good ppl but I’m intreasted on who was and why the founder of this 100 year old religion chose to name it after the universal embodiment of evil, in every culture

    Well I never said anything about pacifism, but yeah sure. A lot of people believe Satan is the bad guy, but is he?

    I don’t expect you to actually do this, but I would encourage you to have a look through the Bible some time and count how many times Satan has done an evil thing. The answer is low to none.

    Then count the number of times God in the Bible has done an evil thing. The answer is shockingly high. Christians like to deflect and blame Satan for everything, but according to their own religious doctrine that’s just not true.

    We Satanists dont believe in a literal being called Satan or Lucifer or whatever. Instead, he is a symbol and an idol to look up to. To always do what’s right, even when the world calls evil good and good evil.