Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I'm off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here's the proof.

  • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    How do we determine which is “good” art and which is “bad” art? Is it all based on the skill of the artist? Their mastery of techniques? Their creative use of different styles? Maybe their method of combining elements from multiple styles?

    Or do we look at which art invokes the strongest emotional response? Which art make people feel the most happy or sad, or strikes them with awe and wonder. Art which leaves people staring at it for hours, always finding something new to enjoy about it?

    Who decides which of these factors are the best or which ones make the art “good” or “bad”?

    The answer is the individual.

    I realised this a long time ago when I think about it in terms of music.

    Im a musician, and as i grew and learned more about it, i began to hold a very elitist view on what merited “good” music and what was “bad”

    I was certain about this. It made sense. It was clear in my head.

    The good music is the stuff that is technically superior, the music that makes my jaw drop at its complexity and its craftsmanship. I outright rejected pop music and most basic music.

    But i realised that when it comes down to it, good music is different for everyone. When i saw people dancing away and enjoying themselves, feeling elation whilst listening to so.ething i deemed terrible and basic, i realised. They are having as much fun as i do when i listen to the complex stuff. They are getting the same thing as me, except they get to dance and bounce around too, which, if anything, puts them above me on enjoyment levels.

    I now find im able to appreciate the “dumb” music as much as the “smart” music and hold both in high regard. Because whilst i might be able to listen to and appreciate the likes of schubert, mozart, chopin, rachmaninov or jacob collier, louis cole, miles davis or herbie hancock. Muse, radiohead, the beatles etc Now i can listen to and enjoy pop artists like dua lipa, billie eilish and the like.

    I know which i like more, but letting go of that gate keeping mentalility was exceptionally freeing. I recommend you do the same. Calling people dumb is not a good take. Accepting people differences and making them your equal is a much brighter path.

    • ExLisper@linux.community
      1 year ago

      But you cannot (or shouldn’t) jump from one extreme to another. There’s gate keeping like “I’m the one deciding what’s good, everyone else is stupid” (which I’m not doing, other people can like different things, that’s fine) but on the other side of the spectrum is the “everyone is equally competent to judge what’s good” which is just as wrong. Because of course not everyone is. For example if a lot of drunk/high people enjoy a silly song at a party and are having fun in the very moment, does it make the song “good” even if they wouldn’t listen to it sober? Of course not. Drunk people are not competent to judge art. There’s no “art for drunk people”, there’s just drunk people enjoying anything you show them. Not having proper knowledge or exposure to real art is similar to being drunk. You can get affected by simpler things, it’s easier to manipulate you, you don’t appreciate as much detail. Is pro Wrestling as good art as Shakespeare? Of course not. Pro Wrestling is as simplistic as it gets, it’s theatre dumbed down to it’s simple audience. It’s designed to affect people on a very basic level just like some music is designed to affect drunk and high people. It’s more simple entertainment than art. It’s really like putting someone on the roller coaster and saying that it’s as good art and the Exorcist because they got equally scared. Just because simple people enjoy simple movies and music doesn’t mean it’s good art.