
Just discovered the displayname feature.

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2020


  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlLemmy is being gentrified
    1 year ago

    A lot of the people that have come over aren’t people who want decentralisation. They are people who don’t give a shit but are unhappy with reddit.

    They haven’t learned WHY reddit is making this decision. They have no understanding of why IPOs and privately owned companies will always lead to this. They do not understand.

    They are just people that want their content slop, but are also mad. They don’t actually care how the slop is delivered to them they just know they want it and know they’re mad at reddit.

    The result is that they want to come somewhere else and behave exactly like it is reddit, when it is not.

  • Lmao what a stupid argument. If you want money paywall your content and see how many people really want to see it. You do not have the right to fill anyone’s head with manipulative garbage propaganda just because you made a video about how much you love the second reich and want it to retvrn or wrote some shitty blog post.

    People that call themselves CONTENT creators are the people churning out pure garbage for the bazinga-brained sake of contentcontentcontent and the quality of actually worthwhile shit would skyrocket if they would all just collectively quit because what would be leftover are the people who actually care and aren’t in it for some ad views.

    Artists, critics, musicians, designers, etc etc? They don’t call themselves content creators like the bazinga-brained influencers in it purely to chase metrics. Tell the bazingas to fuck off.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlI hereby name thee Chaosbringer
    1 year ago

    The system IS federation.

    It’s not criticising flaws in a system, it’s literally asking to dismantle it entirely. You can’t have the fediverse or decentralisation without federation. That’s the issue.

    You either have centralisation. Or you have decentralised federation as a means of providing the size that centralised social media can reach without the centralisation part.

    The crying about it being a flaw is just people whining about wanting what they’re used to with absolutely no differences. They need to be told to simply get used to it with none of this babying. Their crappy suggestions and complaints are antithetical to the entire goal of fediverse.

    All of them will go back to reddit and then find themselves back here in a few years when it’s the content slop machine that they want it to be. They don’t actually care about the goal, they just want slop and are unhappy that their are complications about getting their slop.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlI hereby name thee Chaosbringer
    1 year ago

    I didn’t say or suggest a single thing you just said.

    Of course you did. You said that the defederating thing turns you off the concept of Lemmy, and you advocated for it to be not-a-feature.

    You are advocating for centralised mega platforms owned by mega dictators.

    The are two options. Centralisation, or decentralisation. That’s it. There is no magic alternative. This is the material reality that exists.

    If it turns you off Lemmy, then what you are advocating for is centralisation. The literal polar opposite of what the entire fediverse aims to be and exists to solve. There is not an alternative and there will not be. You either get one owner of a super site or thousands of owners of minisites that federate in order to be emulate a supersite without the oversight. That’s it. There is no third-way.

  • So you would prefer massive dictators with a profit motive instead? Because that’s the alternative you are advocating for.

    The entire point of federation as a tool of decentralisation is to address the issue of Spez, Musk, Zuckerberg and so on. Massive corporate dictators of the internet.

    The solution is to split up the massive dictators into lots and lots of smaller ones, who can federate with who they want to in order to make a bigger space, and ultimately provide you with the choice of which approach you like better. It ultimatley allows all of these spaces to shut out corporate advertising as well because if McDonalds ever makes a fucking instance everyone will defederate that shit to get away from the advertising immediately.

    If you like the mega dictators better. Reddit is over there. I assume you do not, because that’s why you left it.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe woke left!
    1 year ago

    God this is so boring mate. It didn’t. Nobody likes Russia. Russia is a capitalist shit hole. The only takes that the left has which is used to claim we support Russia is that the war was caused by nato and that pouring weapons into does nothing to save any lives, on the contrary it just enriches the billionaires to the military industrial complex and vastly increases the number of deaths on both sides.

    China on the other hand we have some nuanced takes on but because you all know absolutely nothing about it and behave like they’re animals incapable of independent thought and self-governance discussing anything with you ends up a case of bashing our heads against a wall because you don’t have real conversations about it. You don’t listen and don’t learn anything. You don’t even say the name of the party correctly (it’s cpc not ccp). If I told you 95% of Chinese citizens are happy with and support their government you’d claim I’m wrong and when I provide evidence for that you’d claim it’s only because of propaganda/information control and when I provide evidence that it’s not because of that you’d find some new deflection or topic to divert to. So what’s the point?

    On the offchance you actually want that nuanced discussion we can have it but you need to start behaving more academic and stop talking like a terminally online reddit teenager. Come on.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe woke left!
    1 year ago

    The shouting came before the self identifying.

    Saying tankie is tongue-in-cheek, or simply to upset the people that scream it constantly. I’m a marxist-leninist, formerly an anarchist. I would still be an anarchist if climate change weren’t putting a time limit on the need to get something done too. I decided that I could not sit by knowing hundreds of millions of people were going to die in 30 years (closer now tbh but it was a few years ago that I moved to a leninist toolkit now) while also knowing that anarchism was not equipped to generate the needed revolutions required to save any of those lives. Marxism-leninism and dem-cent parties on the other hand have a proven track record of creating revolution within that kind of timeframe.

    I will probably return to anarchism when such timelimits are not in effect. It’s just not morally justifiable for me to sit around using a toolkit that’s not equipped for the time limit when we know what we know.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe woke left!
    1 year ago


    But maybe reply, discuss your position

    I’m going to take this point in good faith, even though I disagree with it. The people that scream “tankie” often use the word in exactly the same meaningless way that the people who scream “woke” do, then they claim it has a specific meaning but clearly apply it very very broadly to basically anyone who is a marxist and waves a red flag.

    But, since you suggest you’re willing to get into nuance. I’m going to throw reel off a few groups, people and countries. Would you mind telling me which ones you consider tankie and evil, vs which ones you consider good?

    The Black Panthers

    Fred Hampton

    Huey Newton

    Albert Einstein

    Nelson Mandela

    Che Guevara

    Fidel Castro

    Thomas Sankara










    Kerala district of India (governed by the Communist Party of India)

    It’s ok to not know one way or another too btw, I’m just interested in a “tankie” “not tankie” “never heard of them” response on each of them.

  • @dessalines@lemmy.ml this is exactly why tone policing is bullshit moderation policy.

    Your modteam is allowing this transphobic screed to exist, and has in fact unbanned the user that posted it despite the very very obvious fact that they are a transphobe doing concern-trolling and “just asking questions” style veiled bigotry, while simultaneously banning everyone that has reacted to their behaviour by rightfully calling them the names they deserve to be called.

    This policymaking is what results in people in the left calling someone a terf or a fascist getting banned while the fascists and terfs roam free. The site will be taken over by this and the left will slowly be banned and pushed out by it. The fact that the team can’t seem to get into their heads that trans people might get a little fucking heated when bigots are allowed to exist and clearly defended by some of the incompetent members the modteam is another part of the problem.

    You should get some trans people on your team to keep the rest of the idiots on it making these shit decisions in check. This nerd should absolutely be rebanned and every other person that copped a ban over this shit should be unbanned.

    Demanding that lgbt people, racial groups and the lower classes engage with their oppressors in a suitable “tone” without ever getting heated is unrealistic. The outcome of tone policing is that the oppressed get banned from spaces when they don’t behave with the right tone when discussing their oppression while those doing the oppressing (this fucker) come to dominate it more and more. The oppressed come to be alienated by it (leaving the space as a result) while the oppressors come to be empowered by it. Tone policing should NEVER come before principle and protection of the marginalized.

  • Disagree. I don’t give a shit.

    that has done nothing to harm you

    Yeah sure thing, except exploit the fuck out of people, enslave everyone, commit mass genocide and destroy the planet. Done absolutely NOTHING to harm me my ass.

    Your anger at the middle class is exactly what the super rich want.

    The middle class are aspiring bourgeoisie, there’s a reason they’re officially called the petit-bourgeoisie. This is not a conversation about the middle-class, it is a conversation about middle-income people, which are two entirely different things.

    There is zero value in continuing a conversation with anyone that names themselves chromosome though.