Waimanalo Beach is what you want!
Waimanalo Beach is what you want!
Donald Trump
Traitorus maxima
And “we need to fix this” usually means “someone else needs to fix this”.
When scientists want to publish their results, the paper first goes to one or more referees (usually anonymous), who advise the editor about the quality of the paper. It is common for referees to ask why the original author(s) did not consider a particular question as part of their work. The reply in the cartoon is commonly used by the author to defuse that question, essentially saying we didn’t consider that question because it’s too much work, and just publish what I’ve done already, dammit.
Also well known for foiling evil plots while wearing a fedora.
Didn’t pay for the DLC.
Yeah, gotta be wary of those sinister people…
How’d they get away with those keywords?
And this assumes you have storage space, which not everyone has.
Making money and accumulating power. Duh.
Looks like OP is using a form of Hungarian notation in the post title…
Not sure if “felling” is a typo or not, as it seems appropriate…
I don’t give it (him?) one.
A hidden hero.
(For those playing along at home, those “best beaches” are on the Big Island, while my suggestion is on Oahu.)