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Cake day: 14. Juni 2023

  • Beliriel@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlEVs
    vor 10 Monaten

    I just visited the US and I was dumbfounded how insane your city planning is. Like you literally can’t just make a short shopping trip on foot. You’d have to walk half an hour to even reach basic stores because the sprawl is so bad (City in CA with about 100k inhabitants) and then there are parking spaces everywhere. Like atleast half to 2/3 of the land space is used for parking. And ofc most parking is planned so they can accomodate everyone which means they’re always atleast half empty.

  • Beliriel@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe EU has finally won this one!
    vor 10 Monaten

    Lmao gtfo! Lightning COULD have been a standard if Apple wasn’t so horny about stuffing their money up their walled-garden-arse. But nah you need a license to even connect to it, not to mention manufacture it. Well tough luck and good riddance to fucking Apple proprietary cables and 50.- recharging kits.

  • Beliriel@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWhich one do you prefer?
    vor 10 Monaten

    The tersorium was shared by people using public latrines. To clean the sponge, they simply washed it in a bucket with water and salt or vinegar.This became a breeding ground for bacteria, causing the spread of disease among those using the latrines such as typhoid and cholera.

    Definitely a horrendous idea and not cash money at all. I’d be carrying my own water bucket. Why not wash your ass with clean water (like India)? I’m pretty sure they also had soap then and to save soap you can also use soap water. I mean it’s really not hard to have a bucket or well with soap water and use flowing water to rinse.

  • Beliriel@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlWindows 11 vs Linux supported HW
    vor 11 Monaten

    It sucks in the way you understand and know because nothing else even exists. No one is interested in having to cater to their walled garden unless there’s money to be made. Meanwhile both Linux and Windows have many open source projects and hobbyists working on things. So you might get a mac driver for something you buy but most of the time macos is an afterthought at best in many hobby projects. Also lol mac gaming is a joke. Even Linux is getting better support now than macos in that regard since the Steamdeck.

  • Honestly ever si ce I discovered Krita I never went back to GIMP. Maybe gimp is more customizable at the base level but fuck me if Krita doesn’t make transitioning out of Photoshop a breeze. Changing from PS to Krita is like switching from a metal baseball bat to a wooden one. Switching from PS to Gimp is like switching out your metal baseball bat for an unfelled pine tree.

  • That’s a very interesting video. But I still have to ask WHY is it ok for an office to lack the lighting and escape routes when the same is not ok for residential areas (which was the main reason given)? It makes no sense to me. Water and sewage poses no problem because large office buildings have to account for mutiple toilets on each floor. Electricity is also a non issue (I’d argue electricity usage would vastly decrease when coverted). That just leaves shared air circulation and conditioning which also shouldn’t be an issue since it would just be maintained through the landlord (and could even be cheaper for the individual since they don’t have to pay for their own systems but just a flat fee on the rent).

  • Ironic that Tate is a millenial. Also generations aren’t like monolithic blocks of culture. The reason Tate is popular is because literally everyone is failing young disenfranchised men. Sure we get women as heroes now (good ones and very prominent bad ones … ahem WW84)
    The reason we get a backsliding is because (imo) we focus on elevating women too much. It is so so devastating for young men that just get nothing. No recognition, no support and no opportunities. Couple that with the fact that until men hit their mid to late 20s the dating power dynamic is asymmetricly shifted towards women. And you get hammered by the media “women support here, women support there” and if any young teen dares to ask “well what about us boys?” They just get shushed, that it’s not their place, male privilege etc. They don’t see that “privilege” everyone else speaks of. So you just get mounting aggression because no one is confirming their struggles. And eventually it ferments and turns to hate and then you can serve them whatever lies you want, if you give them the prospect of control over their life they will eat it up. And that’s what Tate did. He promised them power and success.