Ambien. I know that it’s not great but unfortunately it’s more complex for me than just sleep, so it’s necessary. I don’t think I’d ever sleep again without it. Wow can you do some weird things on Ambien if you don’t put your phone away.
It’s like looking after you have a bowel movement. It’s normal.
Oh gosh I made a faux pas.
Community note: it’s true, he’s just pulling a Herman Cain.
As sure as God’s got sandals.
Um Mel Gibson sat there and said ivermectin is the cure for cancer and old Joe agreed. That’s actually going to kill people. Please stop listening to Joe Rogan.
Are you serious with that turtleneck?
Degens need to mind their scruples.
Well no I’m not going to listen to 3 hours of intellectual dark web bros. But I did read this wonderful Bluesky fact check thread of what Zuckerberg had to say, which is much more what we should be listening to, instead of Rogan shooting the shit about how climate change isn’t real with Mel Gibson .
That would mean listening to Joe Rogan, and unfortunately I’d be too busy setting my hair on fire before I ever listened to Joe Rogan.
I actually have listened to Zuckface on a podcast once because I had never heard him talk. He definitely does some good masking as being a human person. And I think if he wasn’t evil he might have some interesting ideas, sure.
I heard it was a dead ostrich.
This is the ostrich reference.
Sure bud it’s all the women’s fault.
I actually think the reason he and Space Karen act the way they do is because they know they can buy a lot of things, but they can never buy being cool, and that bothers them both a LOT.