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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • “When I work I like to do my job and then relax.”

    They like to do it the other way around. They do nothing, then something. You do something then nothing. Why do you feel that your way has to b the right way and everyone else is wrong?

    Do your workload, and no more, and be fine with it, or move to another organisation with the same problem.

    The goal is for you to be able to understand that people in this world are different to you and that is fine. As long as you aren’t doing their job for them, it’s all good. If you choose to do that, it is on you.

  • If you cannot ignore slack in the evening, weekends, you gotta be bad at your job. If you are good, employer won’t want to replace you and you can condition them to respect boundaries.

    “I sent you a message, why didn’t you respond?”

    “I didn’t see it.”

    “What were you doing?”

    “Cooking. Food shopping. You know, the essentials to survive”

    Not that I’d elaborate. I much prefer the “I had plans/a prior engagement”.

    If they ask, “I cannot really discuss this, it’s private”