• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I used to like the Chrysler 300, then I saw the kind of people who buy them.

    Edit: Not a racial thing. Im Australia they became popular with people who really arent tough but want people to think they are… white guys who think because they smoke weed that they are essentially Pablo Escobar. Guys who have a motorbike licence and a 500cc commuter bike but 9 Sons of Anarchy hoodies. Guys who have a “Only god can judge me” tattoo but also some minor convictions from a local court magistrate who it turns out can judge them.

  • Id say the one thing I kind of disagree with here is the emails. If I’m at my computer and the email says “Are you able to handle this 15 minute job for me by EOD?” I respond immediately “Yeah, I can fit that in.” and then go back to whatever it was I was doing and handle it later.

    If someone is asking me to do a big job I dont reply immediately and go do some prep work for the big job and email them an hour later. “Not a problem, Ill get on it ASAP.”

    If you respond and get tasks done immediately sometimes it makes them think you must be in the middle of something when you dont. When someone gives you a big task that will take 4 hours and they check in on you 3 hours after you reply to the email and you’re almost finished, it puffs up your ability.

    But in general I agree, responding to emails is a great tool for managing perceptions and expectations.

  • I mean, theres 3 categories for giving them a pass on their transgressions (as a fan, not legally or morally speaking) IMO.

    1. The art/performance was just so far beyond good that you cant deny the cultural significance. E.g Michael Jackson, Elvis, Tupac.

    2. You had a personal connection to the art before they did the shitty thing or before it came to light. (In my case: early Chris Brown, Kid Rock) They were big in my late teens and early 20s and I have positive memories associated with their songs. Not the percieved quality of the art.

    3. They had their day in court, did their time and time has passed. E.g Mark Wahlberg, I dont know the guy, I dont know if he is a good person or not these days. But the last documented occasion of him being a huge violent racist asshole is 1992… 32 years ago.

  • This happened to me about 10 minutes after I found out my childhood best friend committed suicide.


    I just let it slide and paid for my damn smokes, lady was just trying to be upbeat and friendly. Dumping that on her would have just made her feel bad and wouldnt have made me feel any better.