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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Most likely just awkward rounding when the screenshot was taken. A lot of the time those post age indicator tags just count the number of hours between it and you then each multiple of 24 is a day without caring about when the actual date changes. So the first could easily have been at like 7pm one day and the second like 11am the next day and they’d both get abbreviated at 6 days ago if you were looking at it at like 4pm when you haven’t quite hit the next multiple of 24 hours.

  • Okay very basically this whole thing started with a hypothetical posed to a bunch of women about which they would rather run into while alone in the woods; A random man, or a bear. A lot of women chose the bear. Reasons varied from “The worst the bear will do is kill me,” to “At least I know the bear wants to kill me,” with a general theme seeming to be that whatever tangible threat the bear posed was preferable to the uncertainty of wondering whether or not a random man would assault them.

    The poster’s stated goal with the hypothetical was to get men to think about why the women were choosing the bear. Instead a lot of guys took it as a personal attack, like they were being punished for the actions of other men. Many started attacking the question, insisting that bears are way more dangerous than virtually any man. This led to a lot of dismissive responses of the criticism like “This is why women choose the bear,” or talking about women’s safety being more important than men’s feelings.

    I’m simplifying a lot but that’s the basic gist of it.

  • The ones that get me are the ones that talk about voting 3rd party. A lot of them seem to understand that the 3rd party is not going to win and that their best case scenario is… I guess “Next time they’ll listen to us and we’ll get a real leftist?” So… Your solution to the genocide is wait 4 years to get someone who will directly end it? Bestie, I don’t think Gaza will be around in 4 years. Even if you discount Trump’s stated desire to be a dictator and Project 2025.

    Or, what happens by the way if Biden wins in spite of them voting 3rd party? Surely it doesn’t mean that they’ve directly proven to the Democrats that they literally don’t need that voting bloc?

  • Years ago I had really severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I noticed though as my anxiety got better through among other things therapy that the intrusive thoughts took on a new form; Unbidden and often times inappropriate shitposting IRL.

    Personally, most of the time I don’t really hear my internal monologue. It’s there but it kinda tends to get drowned out by a constant swirl of other random thoughts unless I externalize it and talk to myself, but I do hear the intrusive thoughts loud and clear. Add those things together and I like to joke that I accidentally manifested a shitpost tulpa.

    Then because I found this thought amusing I came up with an entire character to put to it.

  • EmptySlime@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneBatterules
    2 months ago

    Fun fact: My wife ended up with pretty severe malabsorption after her bariatric surgery. Her vitamin A levels went so low that she had almost entirely lost her night vision. For like 6 years now she’s been taking upwards of 125,000IU per day and only just recently her vitamin A levels have gotten just barely into the normal range.

    So what I’m saying is my wife could actually eat an appreciable amount of polar bear liver and be fine.

  • EmptySlime@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    It appears to be from a personality type thing called Enneagram? It seems to be written in the standard XwY where X is the main type and Y is something called a wing which appears to be a subtype? Not totally sure since I’ve never heard of it before and this is just me attempting to research it.

  • Kind of? It’s more like if all of YouTube functioned like the subscriptions tab. You still have a trending page but it seems to be just the raw “this has gotten X views in Y time” kind of trending. Not the “this is what our Ineffable Algorithm God™©® thinks will maximize the amount of time you spend on our platform” kind. Then you’ve got the subscriptions page which is just chronologically all the videos from the channels you’re subscribed to. But then there’s also the stuff like sponsor block, dearrow, and such.

    It’s pretty good what little I’ve used it. It was just a bit of a pain to bring over your my subscriptions at least when I did it on mobile with the NewPipe app. I had to like download my data from Google, find the archive with my subscriptions data and give that to the app so it could find the channels I was subscribed to.

  • My landlord is actually a community nonprofit group that owns several units in our neighborhood. They do rent for the most part based on income. I forget the exact breakdowns but iirc it’s capped on the upper end at an actually reasonable percentage of your income so you’re not paying most of your paycheck to rent. Then my wife and I are on the low end because we’re on a fixed income. Before we got approved for section 8 we paid their lowest flat rate which is basically just enough to cover property taxes and maintenance which iirc percentage wise was a higher percentage of our income than their normal rate is but it still wasn’t crazy for us.

    Then they use the excess to do things like update the units to make them more energy efficient, community organizing, etc. They’ve also bought out a couple of abandoned houses in the area and redeveloped them so people can actually live in them.

    I personally don’t have a problem with landlords per se. Not everybody wants to own a home and deal with all of the maintenance and things that go along with it. I don’t even necessarily have a problem with them getting paid to deal those things. What I personally have a problem with is housing being used as passive incomea free money cheat.

  • Yeah. The Democrats have been doing this for like 30 years at this point. The people who “vote their conscience” or try to “revoke their consent” get used as a scapegoat to chase Moderates and disaffected Republicans. They punch left crying how they’re not those crazy hippies and they’re actually just the reasonable common sense consensus. Like bloody fucking hell this exact thing happened in 2016.

    Bernie Bros got vilified for Clinton losing and did any of them look at all the people that went from Bernie in the primary to Jill Stein or even to Trump and say “Hey, maybe this Bernie guy was on to something?” and move even a little left? No, they went with Mr. Bipartisanship, because he was “more electable” to the moderates. But every 4 years like clockwork it’s “No guys trust me, this time they’ll learn their lesson and stop putting forward neoliberal ghouls. We just didn’t threaten their power enough last time.” It’s maddening

  • EmptySlime@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    3 months ago

    My wife once got high on the normal adult dose because my god it seems like anything that crosses the blood brain barrier hits her like a freight train.

    Anyway she went on a deranged tirade about how wagon wheel pasta created incels. How the mom eating it causes rectal-vaginal fistulas that contaminate the fetus by introducing the letter “I” into their cells (incel = I in cells). She was crying about how we needed to go to change.org and start a petition to ban wagon wheel pasta.

  • EmptySlime@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    That would be fantastic, I’d love it if the Democrats would stop doing what they’ve been doing the last 30+ years of punching left and chasing the “Moderates” rightward. But let’s think about this logically for a minute. What are the possible outcomes of what you’re proposing?

    • Coalition Victory. We install an actual leftist in the White House. Fantastic. No more Genocide. We have a little socialism as a treat maybe? No notes. I love it. But that means we have right now about 7 months to produce or align behind a 3rd party candidate, one who likely won’t be allowed on the ballot in several states, Then that candidate has to get enough votes to beat BOTH Biden and Trump meaning they basically have to pull at least like 18% of the vote from both sides in enough states to win the Electoral College.
    • Trump Victory. Considerably less fantastic. Democrats blame the Leftists for Biden’s loss as usual. Okay, we threatened their power and now maybe we can convince them that they need us to win in 2028 rather than them moving even further right as they have since Clinton. But meanwhile we still haven’t stopped the Genocide, Donnie’s probably gonna attempt to speedrun it in fact, we’ve got Project 2025 to worry about. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think Gaza’s going to last until 2028.
    • Biden Victory. Not as bad as Trump winning. Genocide is still happening in Gaza, unlike Trump he at least might be able to be convinced to end the genocide in a sense other than the Completionist one. Only now we’ve proven to the Democrats that they don’t need the leftists at all actually and they’re free to move as far right as they wish. So maybe we even lose that.

    Maybe we get incredibly lucky and Trump gets screwed over by these prosecutions and splits the GOP thus lowering the threshold for us to get an actual Leftist in? I’m not sure we can count on it with how the Judiciary is bending over backwards to try to delay these prosecutions until the election where presumably they’d all “have to get put on hold because it’s looks bad to be putting a presidential candidate on trial.” Y’know, that old chestnut.

    Realistically, we have to reckon with the fact that First Past the Post Winner Take All Voting and the Electoral College screws us here. There’s a reason these systems mathematically tend towards a 2 party system. It’s incredibly frustratingly difficult, nigh on mathematically impossible to break through the tendency for Strategic Voting that this system breeds. It’s the Prisoner’s Dilemma, but on a massive scale. A scale where we can only afford what, maybe a hundred thousand people getting scared and bailing on the plan at most for us all to get the worst possible outcome?

  • EmptySlime@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Nah, I’m good. I’ll continue to vote for Biden because he’s infinitely more likely to be swayed to stop the genocide than Trump who if I’m not mistaken has literally expressed a desire to accelerate the genocide on top of all the other heinous shit in Project 2025.

    You can hate me all you want for not lining my family up to starve to death in “muh glorious revolution” or to lose our means of continuing to live when Trump tries to gut the Social Security that my family lives off of, or the SNAP benefits that feed us, or however they decide they want to eradicate my disabled trans ass from public life. Call me selfish for wanting myself and my family to continue living in addition to doing what I can to stop the genocide. I really don’t care. LARP away my dude.