Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • Here’s what EA has to say about this.

    The Sims:

    • The Sims Livin’ Large
    • The Sims House Party
    • The Sims Hot Date
    • The Sims Vacation
    • The Sims Unleashed
    • The Sims Superstar
    • The Sims Makin’ Magic

    The Sims 2:

    • The Sims 2: University
    • The Sims 2: Nightlife
    • The Sims 2: Open for Business
    • The Sims 2: Pets
    • The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
    • The Sims 2: Seasons
    • The Sims 2: FreeTime
    • The Sims 2: Apartment Life
    • The Sims 2: Holiday Party Pack
    • The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Celebration! Stuff
    • The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
    • The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff

  • I just started playing the original game two weeks ago or so and time management is pretty much my main complaint right now. It feels a little too close to (or even more punishing than) real life, where there’s barely any time to keep up with my character’s needs after coming back from work.
    It can be done though - I’m slowly getting used to how things work again and my sim has been leaving in a slightly better mood then before. Just need to get into a proper Sims mindset, I guess.

  • These petitions are limited in scope for a reason - this is a small initiative and the goal is to focus on one part of the market which started the whole thing (the initiative, not the software killing issue), as well as to limit the number of big companies that could be affected (the potential opposition).

    Sure, ideally this would expand on all software but you have to start somewhere, especially when you’re just a bunch of randos with little knowledge about law and no funds to turn it into a serious lobbying movement - one that could both get the political attention and was able to defend its stance from corporations.

  • I don’t think there were much if any attempts to make a petition in the US. If I recall correctly, Ross spoke with a lawyer who told him the chances for a positive outcome are close to null which is why he decided to focus on other markets - mainly: Australia, Brazil, Canada, EU, France and UK.

    The failed petition mentioned was in UK, just like this one, but was canceled due to early elections. EU petition is still going, with a little bit over 6 months left, while Australian and Canadian ones closed last year. There was also a push to contact the local consumer protection agencies in Australia, France and Germany since they seem to have the tools to look into the issue as well.