Pro-sanity, pro-science, pro-intelligence, pro-morality


Anti-communist/Socialist/Democrat and other world-endingly idiotic ideologies.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • It would be better if you had a local tool telling you that - one that you control and only exists on your personal devices, kind of like secure messaging platforms such as Signal.

    Another great later would be for all compromised passwords found in breaches to never be usable anywhere ever again, thus helping to thwart the most common form of breach we see today: credential stuffing.

  • That’s…not a counterpoint.

    You can have strong authentication on your central password manager, and have an encrypted container protecting it.

    There is no logical argument against password vaults as a concept. There are bad implementations of specific password vaults, but a password vault is the answer for the highest possible password based security available in 2023.

  • Please make sure Form Labs, and the rest of the companies I have worked for, are aware of how wrong their engineers are.

    I’m not sure what the obsession is with arguing against the list of objective facts I have provided - each argument peeling away into a deeper and more obvious lack of understanding…

    Please feel free to run anything other than the recommended wavelength of UV light through a photoreactive polymer resin and let me know the dimensions of your resulting print. Remember to do it twice, so you can compare the results - the point of this discussion. Repeatable results, to 1 micron of accuracy.

    (your repeatable result will be a measurement of thin air, as your print will not cure - but feel free to try, as I’ve said.)

  • Shocking narcissism, yet again.

    You clearly have no intent to learn from your mistakes and pollute your entire argument with ad hominem and every other logical fallacy in the book - all wrapped up with a bow of dismissal of the original premise.

    Oh, and by the way, light is both a particle and a wave. “light has a size” - indeed, the wave of light we aren’t talking about has a size - called wavelength. Don’t be afraid to use the most accurate terminology for your irrelevant responses! The wavelength has zero influence on the dimensions of the final product, as any wavelength more than a couple nm out of spec won’t cure the resin at all, and there will be no object to measure. I think you know that and are just trying to win an argument by talking over the heads of the average readers on here - which doesn’t help your case.

    It’s extremely likely you legitimately have a personality disorder, and are capable of much more if you clean up your act.