Shit. Now I want to work at an aquarium. Sassy scallops.
Shit. Now I want to work at an aquarium. Sassy scallops.
“Little old lady got mutilated late last night”
Some of the best lyrics ever.
That was amazing!! I would not have bothered without your comment.
Please tell me this is real.
Dear God, I hate this so much. Please give me a way to make these motherfuckers feel just a percentage of the kniving pain they unknowingly stab me with… May they understand why they must change their ways.
This is definitely Numberwang!
You have to find Kenneth to answer that question.
I was absolutely expecting this song. I’m always expecting this song, but especially when I am fast asleep. The cries of the carrots…
For our shitlib friend.
Thanks for the tag!
I mean honestly, I would have advised even Saturn against it, especially in hindsight.
George rarely smiled because he had terrible teeth and wore false teeth.
Such a great show!
It’s all in the wrist.
Jessica Fletcher would figure it out when she dressed up as a drunk to tail her niece. She’d sing a bit of shanty, kiss you on the forehead, and encourage you to be yourself. You were once her student, and she always knew from your writing that you were a kind soul and a wicked plot weaver.
Thanks, shelving guy! That makes sense.
He is clearly engaged in the great ritual dance known as…
The Macarena!!
So fucking hot.