• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • But they did mention that community servers would be able to pick which Anti Cheat they wanted to use?

    As I understand, there are three tiers to this:

    • Official servers will use FaceIt exclusively.
    • Servers rented from official partners will have the choice of FaceIt or EAC.
    • Community-run servers will only be able to use EAC, and won’t be hooked into the global progression system.

    One of the many problems with FaceIt is that the server-side component is not allowed to be freely distributed, which is why community-run servers won’t have the option to use it.

    Personally, there is no way I am buying this unless if they reverse their plans to use FaceIt.

  • On the tech side of things, the environmental impact of running traditional, centralized services is inherently lower than running any cryptocurrency off of a blockchain. To overcome the technical limitations would be to create another centralized service.

    But yeah, there are almost certainly ways that traditional currency can reduce their environmental impact, too.

  • My only problem is being a misanthrope, and scared of the general multiplaying public, I’m always intimidated by public games, but I’d love to convince enough buddies to play a campaign through.

    I have 183 hours in Barotrauma, split between multiplayer and the sub editor (and a little bit of testing my sub alone). I have never played a public game or single player, it has basically all been the campaign with friends.

    Most recently, I’ve been hosting occasional Barotrauma events with my inclusive gaming community, each one continuing the campaign we started early this year. The last event was just over the weekend. I don’t know when the next Barotrauma event will be, yet, but anyone who can follow our Code of Conduct is welcome to join!

  • I agree with what many others are saying:

    • Ground Branch gameplay is very reminiscent of old Ghost Recon. Probably the standout feature is the customization/loadouts.
    • Ready Or Not is like SWAT, which has a lot of similarities to old Rainbow Six. The atmosphere is a lot more grim compared to the others. This also has decent AI teammates and commanding over them when playing single player.
    • Arma 3. In a lot of ways, the Arma series can be compared to Ghost Recon, but with a ton of extra realism/depth/scale/gameplay possibilities. There is also a ton of single player content across the base game, DLCs, and community-made missions and mods. Or you can make your own missions. The official single player content has a surprising amount of lore, if you are into that. Compared to the rest of my suggestions, this is the only game that isn’t in early access (and it shows). There is so much more to say about Arma 3, if you have interest, but I don’t want to write too much here if you don’t need to hear more.
    • Zero Hour has had a lot of its thunder stolen by Ready Or Not, but it might still be worth looking into if you want more options.

  • I just bought Silica and Gunner, HEAT, PC!, which have both been pretty cool so far. Both are early access games that I wanted to support.

    Silica has way more to it than I expected, and I’m excited to play more (hopefully with friends, at some point).

    GHPC is sort of like single player (for now) War Thunder, with a pretty cool simulation of Cold War era tanks and ballistics while still being fairly accessible. One interesting thing it does: the tank commander will speak to you (which is where the title of the game comes from), and it will get increasingly more tense and eventually turn into panicked screams, depending on the situation.

    I’m playing these on Linux, and I have a weird audio issue with GHPC. Nobody else seems to experience this, and it doesn’t happen on my Steam Deck.