I sometimes admin. But usually not.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • OP, this title is stupidly misleading and incorrect, you should change it immediately.

    The Taliban seized the DOMAIN, aka the ownership of the queer.af name that people could type into their browsers, and their system would resolve into an IP address.

    As the Taliban control Afghanistan, (see where the domain comes from), this was inevitable and the instance owners were already planning to retire the instance as they didn’t want to give money to the Taliban to keep it up.

    The INSTANCE, aka the physical server, was not in Afghanistan, and still has its IP address(es), and so has had absolutely nothing happen to it.

  • I googled Pyhäsalmi Mine gravitricity "2 MW" and EVERY article covering this has also cited 2 MW.

    Now, under Occam’s Razor, what’s more likely:

    1. Absolutely none of the article writers have any clue what the difference between a MW and a MWh is because none of them remember any physics
    2. Some of them could suspect that it’s wrong, but an authoritative source of the claim wrote/said 2 MW capacity when they meant “2 MW peak generation” or “2 MWh storage” (I’d presume Gravitricity, but I’m struggling to find such a source, myself)
    3. One writer miswrote/misquoted as per 2, and everyone is mindlessly recycling that original article’s contents with no attribution or care.

    I don’t know which one it is. But I’d generally lean against 1.

  • An API token is more secure than a password by virtue of it not needing to be typed in by a human. Phishing, writing down passwords, and the fact that API tokens can have restricted scopes all make them more secure.

    Expiration on its own doesn’t make it more secure, but it can if it’s in the context of loading the token onto a system that you might lose track of/not have access to in the future.

    Individual API tokens can also be revoked without revoking all of them, unlike a password where changing it means you have to re-login everywhere.

    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Lmk if you have questions, though.

  • Hey, I maintain a highly popular (if niche) FOSS library. Where the fuck is my big tech paycheck where they bribe me into integrating with their product?

    /s Silly take IMO, relies on cherry-picking popular FOSS projects where you can see “the influence” of big tech, AND then No True Scotsman your way into saying that they’re not allowed to participate in the development/influence of FOSS because… checks notes they’re the ones funding the project/putting money in front of otherwise unpaid volunteers?

    If you end up coming up with a better scheme for things that has the actual practical effect of compensating devs appropriately (yes, that means at current market rates or better) for their work, then please let us know so we can switch to doing that immediately. I will literally do anything you suggest if it would achieve that end.