• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I work night shifts. My manager one time called me around 2pm to ask me something menial and waking me up (as I was still sleeping for my next shift at 7pm).

    So naturally, I called him at 2AM when I was at work… because I had an “urgent” question about a work policy lol. He got the picture, and that shit never happened again

  • Lower frequencies (like the HF range) can propagate further due to reflection/refraction with the earth and the ionosphere. Increasing the frequency can lead to e-skip and troposhpeheric ducting. But even the HF range has shorter wavelengths than our brains, which operate in much lower frequencies (Hz vs MHz). So you would think that our brainwaves would pass through tin-foil much more easily

    But it’s the tin-foil’s electro-conduction that “foils” the electromagnetic waves’ (i.e radio waves’) ability to pass through it. But you would have to have no gaps in the tin-foil to completely block all waves from passing through. So like, an entire foil suit or a walking Faraday cage.

    TL;DR - it’s not about the length of the electromagnetic wave, it’s the electro-conduction (insulating) property of the tin-foil that matters

  • No one cares about you 🙄 for the love of life. Get off it already… you even forced an emoji outta me, just to really get my point across /s

    Sorry sorry, trying to be sarcastic-mean, not actually mean. Just wanted to rib poke for a second, but not at the expense of a person I don’t know. I truly like seeing your activity around here; couldn’t help myself though. Ya dick

    I’m not great at sarcasm lol. I only wish the best for you, ya random squid 🐙

  • Even bad press is still press? I don’t have an opinion on Stonehenge yet; I’m pretty sure the art they “defaced” was only the protective casing; and I haven’t researched them enough to form a true opinion of my own

    But now I’m curious as to whether (or not) “I think” their motives are “ignorant” or somehow “nefarious” at times. I’ve seen them in the news for a while now, and I haven’t always agreed with their course of action… sometimes I believe it to be too impulsive. But they’re still doing it. They’ve forced a discussion that keeps the issue in the forefront, and now it has me wanting to look-into their situation more. And I do believe-in what they’re advocating, even if I’m not sure it’s the “correct” way to do it

    Yet here we are, talking about it. “There’s no such thing as ‘Bad Press’”, I guess? Are they right?.. maybe. Are they detracting from the plight?.. also, maybe. Am I sure of my opinion of their protests?.. no, not really. Seems like something I’ll have to read more about.

    So maybe, mission accomplished (in-progress)? Idk, but I see the merit regardless of their actions

  • MrShankles@reddthat.comtoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    2 months ago

    a metaphoric adjective describing situations where it is not clear which of two events should be considered the cause and which should be considered the effect

    I guess the overtones are a product of their times. Currently, it seems to be: is science/religion the “cause” or “effect”.

    I always staked claim that it was a “scientific vs philosophical” question; but I never considered how timeline could change the overtones or underlying thinking of “The chicken and the egg” concept. Neat

  • I was about to say that it wouldn’t matter which way was “locked”, because his friend could easily unlock it and see what’s on the other side of that door… like, they’d need to use a keylock to keep their friend from having easy access and seeing what’s behind that door

    Took me several attempts to realize they were locking themselves in the room; for whatever relations to be interpreted. I never claimed to be a smart man

  • Also… the amount of money I’ve saved by being able to revive old hardware! I haven’t bought a new computer in 11 years. My computer before that (and still working) was a gift in 2006… that bitch is old enough to vote.

    I have other computers that people have given to me because they were “just too old,” but for me, it was an upgrade. I revived a windows 98-era HP a few years ago, just so I could use the 9-pin connection to fix my bricked OG Xbox that I was modding.

    Granted, I don’t game on PC or require heavy lifting (though I am saving for a personal build, because there’s some hobbies I just can’t do without a good desktop), but for everyday use, I have more than enough.

    I currently have 4 “working” computers. Two of them are my main, one still needs to be “reinvigorated” (it’s 18 years old), and one is my server.

    I have a 5th desktop that was given to me (because it was too slow/old), and it just recently crapped out on me (either because of windows bullshit, or a bad hdd. But I have my hunches). So it’s about to be revived when I have time.

    Hardest part was getting my wife onboard with switching to Linux, instead of buying a new computer. But now she’s getting ready to switch her Mac to Linux because it’s been struggling. And I think she’s starting to realize that a brand-new computer isn’t really “necessary”, if all you’re doing is email, browsing web, and editing docs. Shit, our phones can handle most of that; you don’t need a $1k+ computer for that, or pay for windows software that will barely work on the hardware you have.

    So yeah… end rant. Absolutely love how much Linux has breathed new life into my old hardware. Has saved me time and time again, as well as a bunch of money. I definitely need to throw a donation at a distro, cause they have saved me more than just money at this point

  • I just finished doing a fresh install this morning, because my wifi card wasn’t working. It honestly needed to be done anyway because I was out-of date, but the wifi card finally got me to back-up all my data and do it.

    Fresh install, and wifi still won’t even toggle-on. Was about to look for manual install of the driver, and so on and so forth… and then I noticed my folly

    Fucking keyboard has a toggle switch to turn the wifi off. Not the worst and glad I didn’t pull my hair out over it, but damn… felt pretty dumb this morning

  • Apparently Warner Brother’s (and other’s of the same) can produce and shelve a movie, and use it as a tax write-off. So if my taxes can prop up an industry that has the ability to “conveniently” shelve their works, while recouping a bad investment…why aren’t their shelved movies “public domain”? We kinda paid for them the moment they became a write-off

    If I paint on canvas, and decide to never even try and earn income from it; do I get to recoup my losses in supplies? Or does the “standard deductible” override my loss, and the tax-burden falls back (again) on the working class? Or I’m dumb and don’t understand taxes, so please enlighten me

  • Thank you! I was reading the wiki about the “landing” and could “understand” how a current phone would be vastly more than sufficient. I got lost trying to find how an “ESP32” was designed… and then how processor’s were (normally) designed nowadays… and how it all worked together. I guess I was asking if a single “chip” could include all of those things (CPU, RAM, ROM), or if it was multiple “chips”. An integrated circuit is what I think I was trying to dissect. I’m still curious about the inter-workings, but you cleared a whole lot up for me.

    I really appreciate the breakdown, because I didn’t have the terminology to properly search. I guess it still kinda blows my mind how far it’s all progressed

    Edit: And now I’m learning the difference between “Integrated circuit” and “circuit board”… seems silly in hindsight, but the terminology had me a bit confused. Super cool, nonetheless.