He/Him They/Them

Working in IT for about 15 years. Been online in one way or another since the late 90’s.

I like games / anime but very picky with them.

Cats are the best people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I really liked the concept of this and had high expectation, but I just tried this out following their documentation and not a fan so I’ll have to pass / find a better alternative if one exists.

    The docker-compose.yml given seems to cause the containers to be lacking permissions to save images and even the DB: logs show images can’t be created/saved, restarting the container wipes the DB. No files created at all on the mounted volumes paths. The volume for game files works great though so that’s confusing. I can probably troubleshoot that but this is the first container I’ve ever had such an issue with so I won’t bother particularly due to the next points:

    On the app itself I was pretty disappointed that it doesn’t at the very least extract the files for you, and won’t even skip all the manual junk for direct play games that I took the time to name properly with (DP) on the archive files. The reason given is there may be too many manual steps/variations for installation but direct plays don’t need any of that.

    Given the manual steps required I’ll stick to copy/pasting the files off my server to my local games folder, the games themselves being added to steam if I really need to go that far with them.

  • Have to think of it more like how quantum computers are right now. You aren’t going to be running minecraft or a web browser on it, but it’ll probably be very good at doing certain things. Those things can either be in their own silo never interacting directly with a traditional computer, or information will be sent between them in some way (such as sending a calculation job, then receiving the answers). That send/receive can afford to be slow if some translation is needed, if the performance gains on the actual task are worth it. It’s not like a GPU where you would expect your frames to be rendered in real time to play a game.

    Eventually that may change but until then it’s no more than that, articles like these put a lot of hype on things that while very interesting can end up misleading people.

  • I would say the entire experience of using youtube is having your feed with subscriptions and suggestions. Juggling being logged in in one window to browse around and decide what to watch, get the links, then paste them into another window to watch them while logged out doesn’t sound like a good time.

    Ads is also a bad time. So probably going to just drop the platform and stop consuming content from all those creators I’ve been following in some cases for nearly a decade.