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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Finished Baldur’s Gate 3, Act 3 was much buggier than I thought. Still had a great time and want to do another playthrough in a year or two, once most of the bugs are fixed.

    Started Quake 2, the recently released Enhanced version. It’s fun, I like the weapons more than in Quake 1, the Super Shotgun can actually kill stuff now. I also prefer the sci-fi environments more than the medieval ones in the first game.

    Lastly, I randomly decided to give Baldur’s Gate 1 a shot, after I finished the third one. I never really played it or any of the other old Infinity Engine games before, although I got all the Steam releases years ago. I’m playing as a Half-Orc Fighter, named Big Stick, who goes around whacking stuff with a big stick (a quarterstaff). The game is ok so far, nothing spectacular. I’m still really early, only chapter 2, and I’m just travelling around everywhere I can, bonking stuff until it explodes, and helping people in need.

  • Last act of Baldurs Gate 3. Damn, does this game have a ton of stuff in it.

    The third act is a bit of a disappointment though, compared to the first two. Not necessarily the storylines, or environment, but parts just seem unfinished, more glitches and bugs with quests, which is par for the course for Larian games I guess. It’s still great, and I’m thinking about doing a second playthrough eventually, but probably not before the Definitive or Enhanced Edition release in a year or something.

    I hope to finish it in the next couple of days, then play the recently released Quake 2 Enhanced release as a palate cleanser, before jumping into the next bigger game.

  • I got more into Baldurs Gate 3 than I thought.

    Because of scheduling conflicts, I wasn’t able to continue my coop playthrough with a friend until today, so I started a solo campaign, and put in about 40 hours last week.

    Because I’ve only seen people falling over themselves, talking about how this game is the second coming of Christ, here a few relatively minor issues I have with it.

    The camera is terrible. There’s constantly something in the way and the game isn’t smart enough to know that I don’t really want to move to the stalactite thirty meters above me, just because it was in my way in the middle of the screen. Cramped spaces are probably the worst, walls everywhere, and you have to do constant 180s with the camera to see every corner.

    I usually don’t mind inventory management, but I hate it in this game. I’m definitely to blame as well, since I just pick up everything, but it’s always such a pain to organize through everything. The sorting options aren’t that good, and sometimes stuff feels completely random. Also, (unless I’m missing something) why can’t you access the inventory of your companions, that aren’t in your party?

    Why is the pathing still ass in this game, it’s the third one Larian made in this style. My characters just love walking into traps (that I’ve discovered) or shit on the ground. It’s just really fun to micromanage four characters, just so they can get safely through a few mines or don’t take a 50 cm shortcut through a patch of fire. I think Divinity had at least an option to pause the game, when you found a trap, so you might have a chance to change the course, but this is missing in this game.

    Lastly, I wish your companions were more involved, when you have a conversation with someone. I could be deciding the fate of the world with my choices, but Astarion is just T-posing behind me (not literally, but you get what I mean). At least an occasional line when the “X character approves / disapproves” notification pops up would be nice.

    I still have a great time and enjoy the game, but some of these things have existed since the D:OS games, so it’s a shame they still aren’t improved.

  • Still Final Fantasy 14, I’m near the end of the Stormblood base story (some general spoilers in the comment).

    This expansion has been a massive disappointment so far, and this time it’s not even about all the time-wasting (of which there’s still plenty). It’s about a war to end the occupation of two different regions / nations, but it’s just not executed well at all.

    The scale of the fights, that are supposed to drive out the invaders, have like a dozen people on either side, so they are just really lame. The villains are not compelling at all and have a really dumb reason for fighting you. Some of your companions, that should play a bigger role, basically don’t matter at all. It’s just not interesting at all.

    I can’t wait for this to be over, hopefully the post-game patch content can improve things somewhat. I should at least get a bunch of dungeon unlocks, probably a raid, maybe more, which will most likely be a good time.

    As for jobs I’ve played this week, at the start all Summoner, to get it to 80, afterward I switched to Dancer. Both are really fun and I liked them. I want to check out Red Mage a bit more, and have done some duties with it, but I need more practice with it. I leveled Dark Knight to ~50, but I’m just not really that much into playing tanks. I’ll do some duties here and there, but not much more for now. Same with healer, which I’m leveling a White Mage a bit, for now slowly trying to get it to 50.

  • The base HW story and the first few patches to finish the Nidhogg stuff were good, except for a lot of those extremely tedious quests, that constantly send you to the other end of the world. It didn’t take a lot of time, since you can just teleport everywhere, it’s just super boring. As far as I’ve gathered from comments, that just the type of game this is though and I gotta accept that.

    I like generally the combat and would like to do more (during normal quests), but instead I just often queue for duties, so I just get nothing done.

  • Still Final Fantasy 14. I’m done with Heavensward, except some optional trials, which I’ll do before starting the next expansion.

    I thought most of the post-patch story was either trash or extremely tedious. The conclusion to the Dragonsong War was generally alright, just everything leading up to it was a chore. The Warriors of Darkness story felt like complete filler and a waste of time. After that is the stuff that leads into the next expansion, so I’ll have to see how that plays out.

    Imma be honest, I’m really close to just starting to skip most of the story, it’s such a drag sometimes.

  • I have done the Alexander and Sky Pirates raids already, but I don’t know if there’s anything else I can unlock later.

    Alexander was kind of a chore, because the first 8 sections or so, were all just one or two terrible fights each, then back to a cutscene that almost takes longer than the fights. It did pick up in the final sections though, along with the story, so at least it ended on a high note.

    The Sky Pirate stuff was decent, although I couldn’t stand the story bits. At least here each raid longer, with multiple, real boss fights.

  • More Final Fantasy 14. I’ve started the Heavensward post-game content (I guess you can call it that?).

    I’m done with all the optional dungeons and raids you unlock after the base story, and now I’m continuing with the story quests that were added in later patches. There’s just so much time-wasting, back and forth bullshit, that it’s just a chore, though. Start quest in town A, go to town B for a short cutscene, go to town C for another short cutscene, go back to town A for yet another cutscene. Since you can teleport everywhere by this point, it doesn’t take long, but is just so boring. That’s why I’m constantly queuing for random dungeons and hang out in the Gold Saucer, basically avoiding the story.

    As for classes, I’ve mainly played Reaper, which is fun, and today started trying out Dancer, and had a good time as well.