Neither, and I never once had the cable fall out. Just imagine the countless seconds I saved from not screwing and unscrewing.
Neither, and I never once had the cable fall out. Just imagine the countless seconds I saved from not screwing and unscrewing.
I was so invested in that show’s ongoing plot as a kid. The writers put a lot more thought into it than they needed to. And the voice actors were all awesome, especially Megatron.
Don’t worry, I’m still here
Probably began life as a gif and got auto-converted
That one in the bottom right looks a bit dense for me.
Of course, mother!
Or “the 1900s,” which is even more painful
The Fabio of ducks
I know it’s not the same thing, but the corporate TLDs like “.google” make me irrationally irritated. You think you’re too good for “.com”?
Oh look, I’ve received more user feedback
They’ve taken the design in a very minimalist direction.
! often add alt text to their memes
Are you claiming to refute the hard evidence OP has presented?
A relaxing cat shall not be disturbed
Thank you, kind stranger!
Throw it into the sun