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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • This is exactly the feeling I had when I played Assassin’s Creed and picked up a flag that said “1/100”. That happened multiple times, since there are 400 flags in the game. And what do you get? Absolutely nothing but an achievement.

    I hold Mario Odyssey up as a shining example of how to make large optional objectives fun. You don’t really get much of a reward for getting all 999 moons, but at least the vast majority of them have fun puzzles to solve so that it’s actually rewarding to collect them. Contrast this with, say, Korok seeds.

  • I think it’s just the overwhelming stupidity. The covid stuff I can kinda understand because it was a scary and uncertain time. And maybe, to a point, I had kind of just accepted that the antivax “movement” had gained a twisted sort of legitimacy in some people’s eyes purely because it has been around so long.

    But this… this is just beyond dumb. Dollars to donuts these people have been drinking pasteurized milk their entire lives and never had an issue. Missing vitamins? Take a multivitamin and have more than your body knows what to do with. Want probiotics? Eat yogurt!

    I also just read that Louisiana might approve milk for pet consumption and that’s just so god damn sad. It’s one thing to spew from both ends due to your own stupidity, but quite another to inflict that stupidity on creatures who have no choice but to rely on you for their health and comfort.

  • The issue is, though you may make a distinction between “I’m using this slur as an insult and not against its targeted oppressed minority”, bigots make no such distinction. Hearing others use the slur and normalize it emboldens these bigots to use it against vulnerable minorities, backing up to “I didn’t mean it that way” when they get called out. The word’s legacy also tangles with a fair bit of racism, as children of minority races were often labeled “mentally retarded” for poor English skills or just so they could be shuffled out of class after school segregation was ended. It’s just a word, yes, but one with a lot of ugly history in the US at the very least.

    Plus, the dislike of the word really isn’t new, it just has more support these days. We have lots of other words to choose from, what’s the harm in avoiding this one?

  • I think the rub here is that most developers aren’t developing/publishing their own software, but honing their skills on writing proprietary code while also putting food on the table. To that end, a permissively licensed library is better because the company will actually use it and the developer will gain experience with it that they can then use outside of the proprietary environment to contribute to FOSS projects (some of which may well use GPL). If a GPL end user product gets popular enough, it will eventually be able to use all of that gained experience to compete with the propriety alternatives, so I do think the two can work in tandem.

  • Windows into I went to college for development and decided to check out this Linux thing. At the time, I wanted something as different from Windows as possible, so I went with Ubuntu with Gnome 3 (I know) for about a year. Tried out Fedora, couldn’t get my sound to work and accidentally uninstalled the desktop environment trying to fix it, slunk back to Ubuntu, tried out a Debian briefly, and eventually ended up on Linux Mint with Cinnamon and KDE.

    At one time I really wanted to try a bunch of stuff and probably would’ve hopped a lot more if Fedora didn’t shatter my confidence, but nowadays I want as little disruption between machines as possible. I have to use Windows for work, so I keep my Linux setup pretty vanilla so I don’t miss features between the two very much. I’ll probably still play with other distros every now and then on old laptops, but I’ve fallen into a “if it ain’t broke” mindset with my daily machines.