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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • it’s a fad in terms of the hype and the superstition.

    it won’t go away. it will just become boring and mostly a business to business concern that is invisible to the end consumer. just like every other big fad of the past 20 years. ‘big data’, ‘crypto’, etc.

    5 years ago everyone was suddenly a ‘data scientist’. where are they now? yeah… exactly.

  • exactly.

    i’ve been gardening for years. it’s a supplement. for like 1-2months i get nice produce that can feed a few people for a few weeks. but that’s it. i maybe produce 20lbs of produce in a year if i’m lucky. that’s over a dozen or two plants. i have a good sized garden of about 100 sq ft.

    not to mention the weather any year could totally f you. one year we had three months of drought, so i got like 2lbs of tomatoes that year.

    turns out i still buy like 95% of my produce from the grocery store… because it’s available year round and it’s hard to grow variety well unless you have multiple beds with differing soil and sun conditions.

    most folks grow tomoatoes and cukes because they are easy and produce abundantly. but i am not going to live on tomatoes and cukes 365 days a year.

    the space needed to grow squashes, berries, etc. is way way higher. you need a lot of land. and they are very low yield. a ten foot watermelon vine produces like maybe 1-2 melons per year and takes up 20 sq ft of garden space. a squash vine might produce 4-6 decent squash, etc. and a lot of veggies and plants are non complimentary, meaning they choke each other out if grown in proximity.

    the only person i know who has a varied and big garden is an engineer who has spend five figures producing dozens of beds, water systems, and etc. and he still gets a shitty yield some years due to weather and he struggles constantly with rabbits, groundhogs stealing his crop. he has a whole trap and kill system for them even now. because the critters know he is the place to go for the tasty plants. most home gardening grow a few tomato plants and make some tomato sauce and throw a dinner party and that’s the extent of their home gardening.

    it’s way more complex and difficult than some ‘hrr drr just bring back victory gardens’ nonsense. you’re average person isn’t going to be building a 1000sq ft veggie garden with fencing and dealing with all the part time job of labor and upkeep that it requires.

  • yeah. the platforms aren’t so bad in and of themselves, it’s the engagement algorithms that turn everything to shit.

    just like IG, YT, video/music stremaing etc. you could stumble upon random and interesting shit… now the algo is just trying to shove kendrick lamar and joe rogan at me none stop because that is what is ‘popular’ and whatever shitty movie that netflix is trying to promote.

    browsing is dead and search is also mostly broken. you can’t even effectively search for shit anymore.

    the only place i can freely browse anymore is my local library. and discover lots of cool things. that experience on the internet is dead.

  • you can rent and have a garden and rent is cheaper than a mortgage in a comparable area.

    when people buy they often have to move further out to a cheaper area to get a mortgage

    my mortgage is more than my rent and isn’t as nearly in as nice of a place and convent of a location. on top of that and having to do home reapir (not renovation) i have less disposible income than I did a few years ago.

    it’s trade offs. i miss being in a more social area and having more disposible income, and somtimes i regret buying.

  • don’t know where you live, but where i live people love whining about how they can’t afford rent while they go on $5000 international vacations every year.

    one of my ex-friends who is a trans anarchist, just did this. they work part time in a bike shop, and yet they can afford a two week long tour of Taiwan. But they will talk your ear off about how landlords are evil and the revolution is coming because they can’t afford their rent in one of the nicest areas in my city. irony.