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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • There is a middle ground. The FDA shouldn’t have the power to ban a product from the market. They should be able to publish their recommendations, however, and people who trust them can choose to follow those recommendations. Others should be free to publish their own recommendations, and some people will choose to follow those instead.

    That’s putting too much responsibility on the average person, who doesn’t have the time to become educated enough in biology and pharmacology to understand what every potentially harmful product may do to them. What if they never even hear the FDA recommendation?

    Also, though you’d like to think this would only harm the individual in question who purchases a harmful product, there are many ways innocent third parties could be harmed through this. Teratogens are just one example.

    This kind of laissez-faire attitude just doesn’t work in the real world. There’s a reason we ban overtly harmful substances.

  • I feel like a lot of people on Lemmy suffer from this issue: they see things as right-wing just because their POV is decidedly left. I know the basic left-right spectrum is too simple, but we do need to recognize politics is relative and that just because you are further one direction than someone else doesn’t invalidate the fact that by common standards they are on that sane side of the spectrum.