Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it over 50 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Have to play devil’s advocate here. I totally agree that naming your chatbot Aryan is a bit of a giveaway, but does it say that exactly anywhere? All I can see is Arya. That is a legitimate name, even more popular since Game of Thrones. This crap is bad enough without making false claims about it. We’d be quick enough to call the other side out when they made a false claim. We shouldn’t adopt their practices. We’re supposed to be better than that.

  • Yes, they had a million and one things designed to catch your head, knee, elbow, eye etc. What that diagram doesn’t make clear is the bench seat running down the centre for the operators and Command Post Officer (CPO) to sit on. Underneath that were the batteries for FACE, 8 (or possibly 6) great big 12v 100ah lead acid things. Space was at a premium. In this pic I’m sitting with my back to the teleprinter and Bob Cooper was sitting on the commanders seat - it used to drop down and become a seat for a signaller :-) This would have been taken about 1983/4

  • Skimmed through the video and will watch at a later date. Absolutely fascinating. It used to work at a Raytheon company (Cossor in HarlowvUK) on kit that had similar electronics, back in the 70s. It was like being back in the factory :-)

    When I was in the Royal Artillery (80-97) we had a system called PADS (Precision Azimuth Determining System) that was used for survey of gun positions. It had some fancy gyroscopes inside. I now know where that originated ;-)