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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Honestly, I confirm it because I use it for work. I had it do some research on comparing bunch of VDI solutions (the VMware/Broadcom thing has forced us to rethink things). It did a really good job summarizing things. I used to work in consulting, so I already knew what the comparison. It saved me hours of having to write that report. I usually verify in the term that “does it make sense”. I would do the same with a stackoverflow post before posting the code and so on.

  • I somewhat bought into the hype early and convinced work to pay for ChatGPT plus. At first I struggled to use it. One day I somewhat went “I bet it can’t help with X”, it did. Now I’m at the point where I default to it. There is this odd assumption that it will only be right some of the time. To me it’s rare where it’s wrong. Usually it mainly misunderstood the direction I was trying to go in and once I fix it with follow-up prompt I get what I want.

    I don’t think I do prompt engineering per se. It’s like google fu though. You need to learn to be descriptive to the point where the LLM can infer some context then even a year later it feels surreal. So far GPT-4 is the top for me. llama does well and a lot of the open models are nice. But if I want code or think through some work problem, GPT-4 gets me where I want to get amazingly fast. I make it do online research for me and then I have it validate my thoughts. I have to keep in mind “hey, it’s mainly predicting the next word”. But I rarely go “wow it was truly off here”. Trust but verify is where I’m at.

    I’m at the point where I feel like I do my 40 hour work week in 25 or so. I have a ton more free time. I have to be careful not to share any direct work related info, but that’s easy. I give it generic info then fill in the blanks myself.

  • You can already somewhat do that with iOS and Shortcuts if you have the chatgpt app. But as OP says, it’s only to talk to. Can’t use it to set a timer or reminder. It’s neat but a lot of my voice assistant stuff is “call X person” or “reply to X”. If I want to talk to chatgpt, I usually open the app and turn on voice for a session.

    If ChatGPT can weasel itself into a true assistant with the ability to perform certain actions, then it might be a game changer for the voice assistant space. It’s so much better at understanding context than current assistants on your local device.

  • The official stance if pushed would be some minor rebuke with no weight behind it. I come from that region of the world (Arabian peninsula) and muslims outside the peninsula are deemed less important. Its not how everyone thinks, but there is a turn your nose up at these none Arabic speaking muslims sentiments. You can see it in Qatar and UAE with treatment of Muslim Pakistani workers and even treatment of North African Muslim workers (even though they speak Arabic)

    So as stated above the religion is used to control the populace and that “we are the right kind of Muslim” sentiment is used to make sure the religion has not real influence on foreign policy with countries like China that can provide serious surveillance technology.

  • I agree. But I want to give them some credit. I report people for being toxic or for afking. Recently the client tells me almost after every game that someone in my previous game was punished after my report.

    Now, I can never easily validate this. But if its true it seems riot is taking a much more active role with automated punishment.

    League of Legends is pretty fun. Just “mute all” every game and it’s a lot more tolerable. Don’t let the people that tilt after one or two deaths get to you. Recent comeback changes make the game playable until your nexus explodes

  • This more or less. My wife games too. We went through periods where we probably gamed too much and had to correct that behavior (house was becoming a mess and kids ignored school too much)

    For us it put a decent amount of pressure on our marriage for a while until we admitted that gaming needed to take a backseat to life in general. Its hard. I grew up with gaming and both my wife and I were 8+ hours a day of MMO before kids. But life demanded we become adults for a while and be responsible.

    My kids are finally on the older side where their demands on my time is lower. I still don’t game much before dinner and most house chores are done. I try to game with them a bit after dinner and then I get about 1.5 to 2 hours to play a few League of Legends games (yes, I know i hate myself) if I don’t want to ruin my sleep.

  • I don’t know why people look for feature parity between Lemmy/kbin and Reddit. With a bigger audience, its bound to happen that Lemmy/kbin will catch on features. People waited years and years for reddit to become what it “was”. The fediverse isn’t a stop gap. It’s the next potential platform once foss devs see the potential and have an audience to satisfy.

    These articles always feel like the push us towards looking for a commercial option when we already have the right option under our nose. Just give it a few dev cycles.