How can I improve this? Because another issue I have is him seeing me with no makeup. I mean I don’t wear much, I’ve cut out a lot of makeup since talking to him . I used to wear concealer. Eyeliner mascara highlight blush and lipstick but I’m starting to cut out the concealer and eyeliner and just keep mascara and lipstick gloss or lip stick. It’s like baby steps until I feel ready…
I’m going to look into therapy but I’m still nervous. I will talk to my doctor about options for teens as I did before but majority was online and no face to face interaction which sucks (mainly just. Texting app) I also want to practice rejection therapy as well to see if that helps.
Do you think I can boost my confidence while being in a relationship? I would never let my insecurities get in the way of it (except this one time I guess) but looks wise I’d never go crazy over it so I hope it’s fine
I know I can but I don’t feel quite ready for it. I’m scared? Idk why. I’m fine with strangers seeing it but somehow worried for him. Tomorrow I’m seeing him with only mascara and lipstick or gloss on which will be super light makeup. Each time I wear less and less.