their actions over the last 50 years have spoken so loudly i couldn’t hear what they were trying to say
their actions over the last 50 years have spoken so loudly i couldn’t hear what they were trying to say
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this is based, as @nincodedo mentioned before it’s cursed they don’t all do this
toilet paper without cardboard roll centers are much cheaper to produce, though impossible to place in a toilet paper holder, so they sit on the sink, or the floor, or a long nail in the wall
“chapeau means hat, oeuf means egg, those french have a different word for everything” ~ steve martin
The judge, it seems, is flying by the seat of his pants a bit, as he also said that businesses and individuals using VPN’s to access Xitter, would be fined $9k a day or something like that. Not sure how he thinks VPN’s work. I guess they can institute the Brazil wide block, then watch to see what accounts from Brasil are updating after the block, then make the case they must be using VPN’s to circumnavigate the block, but that’s A WHOLE FUCKTON of surveillance, enforcement and prosecution, I’m not sure Brazil’s courts are up for.
Judge has the right idea here, fuck Elon Musk, and fuck Xitter, it is not a sovereign nation, it is a communications company poisoning and allowing through racist incitement the poisoning of the body politic of the entire free world, and should be held to task.
“Alexandre de Moraes, the court’s top judge, has also ordered daily fines for people or businesses in Brazil that use virtual private networks (VPNs) or other methods to access X while the site is banned in the country”
how do they imagine vpn’s work down there in ole brazil
telegram is now, and has always been, the nazi app. so, this checks out.
If 7 years of updates aren’t coupled with 7 years of an extended warranty on LED TV’s which notoriously burn out after 2 or 3, it doesn’t matter
You spelled Jews, wrong. Twice.
right click start, left click disk management
we ride or die windows for workgroups in this house dawg
say it louder for the people in the back
they can fucking try
well, no, not at the level of taking down half the air traffic, police, ems, fire services, in the free world, you don’t
Obviously this isn’t OP, but that dude is cray cray, he loves Ice Tea so much that he doesn’t mind cloggin up his own kidney and urethra, but more worried about some voodoo cleaner antics, that shit is crazy bro
I hope and pray what Brazil is doing now (but don’t believe it will) becomes a blueprint in choking off Musks cynical use of Freedom of Speech to attempt to overthrow democracies everywhere in service to fascist power