Person uninformed about these things here with an uninformed question: What are the chances that the Mozilla Foundation itself can be forked like the code can be?
Person uninformed about these things here with an uninformed question: What are the chances that the Mozilla Foundation itself can be forked like the code can be?
The only correction i’d do to this message is to stop calling this person “Zuck”, Mark Zuckerberg IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, stop calling these fucking bastards cutesy friend names or on a first name basis (like “Elon”, Zuck" and others like this) , they DO NOT deserve them and they WANT to be called that
And that’s one of the many reasons why we want private communications, we want no creepy megacorp listening in
It’s not gone, it has gone underground, i like this model to describe the current internet
It’s Firefox, with the Firefox branding and some questionable decisions like the AI chatbot sidebar and a few others removed
MANY of the old places of the internet are still active, heavily overshadowed by the current centralized feudal web of 5 websites all with screenshots of each other but STILL alive. Hell, even IRC is still running, and i understand so does Usenet!
So, appealing to actual fucking nazis isn’t actually profitable? Oh noes!
I understood it was Google-only, great to be mistaken about it. Still, the app should also support that geojson importation format too, there shouldn’t be a need for external tools, SPECIALLY since it’s what Google Takeout gives you, this very much should be a feature of the app.
Heh, hadn’t seen KDE like this in ages, it’s been a while
Good and all, but as somebody mentioned on the Masto comments this shouldn’t be needed, this is taking an open JSON file and turning it into a proprietary Google-only format so that Organic Maps can import it, that feature should be on the app itself already.
Also as you’re uploading that data to a random website you’re effectively doxxing yourself as your important addresses likely will be there, your home, your workplace, etc.
Edit: Was mistaken and corrected below, the format IS a standard, not proprietary, in addition the author answered in Masto clarifying that all the conversion happens in the browser without uploading anything. That said, i do insist that the app should support uploading in this geojson format, specially since it’s what Google Takeout gives you
In that line, is there an open standards, no Google required answer to the Chromecast?
Youtube and Amazon/Audible are already having a monopoly there, they’re gonna get squashed like a bug
Have you seen an XMPP setup these days that doesn’t have installed all the extra stuff to allow encryption, voice and a lot of other bells and whistles?
Naturists and the topfreedom movement also face these same challenges, all with the same root cause
What’s the “best practices” for DNS these days besides running your own local service?
We’re seeing the fallout from a commercial service used for public interest communication falling in real time with Twitter, so many public service things that depended or still depend on Twitter have outright broke as it turns into raw sewage and people flee it. That should have NEVER been the main communications medium, and now the price is being paid. I understand as i too am in a place where WhatsApp is near-mandatory, but this is something that WILL have bad consequences sooner or later.
“We MUST make the foxes the watchers of the hen-house! It will make everybody safer!”
Need to retry this at some point, last time i tried it, the Kindle app worked in Wine but had no connection, i suspect this was a Wine configuration issue
I have reliably upgraded Mint in place the last, dunno, 5-6 major releases or so, works exactly as well as Ubuntu’s