Hihihihihihi it’s me hi
Tell me about it! After year of estrogen I had to give away all my old pants and now I never have anywhere to put my phone!
I live in the area and the streets are just clogged with these fucking autonomous cars. Traffic is slower, people end up having to swerve, it’s just a constant persistent headache. If I had it my way, they’d all be off the streets and into the crusher
At first I was excited, not because of the desktop environment itself, but rather because of the headache pain points in gnome and KDE that it sought to fix. Things like fractional scaling and native HDR support as well as being built around Wayland all played to cosmics benefit. Unfortunately for cosmic, however, KDE has really improved quite drastically this past year and fixed pretty much every pain point I had with it. They seem to be shaping up to blow cosmic out of the water before it even arrives with plasma six. Gnome is doing gnome and by that I mean they fucked off and are doing their own stupid thing. I hope cosmic does well, but it would have to be the third coming of Jesus Christ to get me to switch again