This is simply not true. Starvation isn’t the only thing that kills people - they die of easily treatable medical issues all the time because of lack of health insurance. Unhoused people die of exposure every summer and winter.
This is simply not true. Starvation isn’t the only thing that kills people - they die of easily treatable medical issues all the time because of lack of health insurance. Unhoused people die of exposure every summer and winter.
Not trying to defend Jeff here, but generally these kind of space megaprojects rely on manufacturing materials in space. I.e. capture an asteroid and use its material as the radiation shielding. Not that that’s currently anywhere near feasible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are kernel maintainers not unpaid volunteers?
My business daddy pays for my Apple machine and it’s great for ssh-ing into various cloud-based Linux boxes.
I used to work for a startup that laid claim to all “ideas” that I had, in or out of working hours, during my period of employment with them.
This article is worth reading if only for this line:
However, though drug companies have had some success targeting the Death Receptor-5, no Fas agonists have made it into clinical trials.
I wish the US had better passenger rail infrastructure so people traveling long distance didn’t need to road trip.
I’m lucky to be in a position where I can ride a train to the two closest cities so I’m picking up an EV. Anything longer distance and I’ll either fly or rent an ICE.
Brave is based on Chromium, not Firefox.
There are Firefox derivatives, but most “alternative” browsers are based on Chromium.
A German once sent a dozen giant rabbits to North Korea in order to kick start a giant rabbit breeding program there. The intent was to help them overcome a famine, but instead the rabbits were all eaten at Kim il Sung’s birthday party.
I’ve never heard of k8s described as a modern implementation of a Linux distro. What makes you say that?
Do you have the questions right now? If so, ask away.
Programmer: 2 + 2 is 3.99999999999999999
X11 because it’s what I already have installed.
When I have/want to make a change then I’ll go with Wayland :)
I at least had the cathartic experience of being told “hey we need to shut down EVERYTHING before 7pm because that’s when the email will turn off, so log into every service you know we use and delete it all.” And then I spent the next couple hours clicking every delete button I could.
K8s clusters? Delete. Prod DB? Delete. Prod DB backups? Delete. S3 buckets? Delete. Cloudflare account? Delete.
It was actually kinda fun.
Randomly got a message from one of my reports asking what this “Mandatory Team Meeting” was on his calendar. I hadn’t been invited, but it was our whole company shutting down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In practice, I believe the private key should contain the public key (or at least sufficient data to recover it):
I believe you only need your private key to sign files so, technically you only need to back up the private key, but you should test this to be sure it fits your use case.
Depending on how you’re backing things up, and what your security goals are, remember that backing up a private key may involve putting that private key on somebody else’s computer - i.e. if you use a remote git repo, or cloud backup service, or even send the key to your own (different) machine over an insecure network. Make sure that you’ve got a way of securely backing up your private key, otherwise you may undermine the whole cryptography thing anyways :).
As always, you should test by backing up your key(s) and then testing that you can actually restore them and successfully sign a file. Backups are only as good as the last time you tested restoring from them.
“Is that a wet sock in your pocket or are you incontinent?”
How is you posting about your music on a forum not an ad? You saying you only reach people who might already be interested is just saying that you target your ads.
Do you consider it different because you’re an individual doing it manually?
I used to fill out metadata like it was a hobby. Albums were in organized folders “artist/album/disc no. - track no. . track title.mp3”. Some had release year and composer metadata lol
Thousands of military drones have been remotely piloted for decades. This news isn’t as ground breaking as it might seem. Some of these drones are large:
I know a military drone isn’t the same as a passenger carrying airplane, but for cargo I think the only reason this isn’t already a thing is because drones are military tech and most governments don’t want that falling into the wrong hands.