Which recliner did you go with? I’ve been shopping for one for a while and haven’t had any luck finding one I like…
Which recliner did you go with? I’ve been shopping for one for a while and haven’t had any luck finding one I like…
What’s the issue with Nord? A buddy just recommended it to me, but I rarely see it mentioned, so I’ve had a hard time understanding why not to use it.
Yes it is, and that’s the problem. I work my butt off to identify mechanisms to reduce musculoskeletal injury risk, and then to maintain my employment, I have to hand the rights to that work to a private organization that profits over it. To make matters worse, I then do the work to ensure the quality of other publications for the journal through the peer review process and am not compensated for it.
Sign up for the trial and see. I was really worried that I’d blast through the base sunscription’s number of monthly searches, so I started counting the number of DDG searches I did a month. It was barely within Kagi’s, so I signed up. The awesome thing is that their results are better to the point that I use fewer queries now.
This might be the best citation I have ever read! Take my upvote!
Man, I haven’t thought about Black and White in a long time. I wonder if I still have the disc floating around somewhere…