I know about mixing the yellow dots by adding mode. But Erased? Do you have any resources I could learn from?
I know about mixing the yellow dots by adding mode. But Erased? Do you have any resources I could learn from?
Do you know anything about printer steganography? That’s what nailed Reality Winner ultimately.
I have been wondering the same thing. It would be useful to have an active docket of the DOJ for all cases against large corporations and how many now lose steam or have the lead attorneys replaced.
I also worry about the whistleblower program. If you are a corporate whistleblower, if the government wins on your tip you get around 15%-ish of the takings. So, whistleblowing on something big enough can net you a few million USD or more. Something else to watch. I assume this will break quickly too under this administration.
Yo check this new theory out. Might want to change your IP.
Interesting. Hey thanks for the information. It seems if someone gets a DM they get more than one sent.
So, you might be right in that you were specifically sent a spam—maybe because you angered the Nicolegod
We’ll see! I hope the rest of your week is Nicole free! 👍
Interesting. Links to a go fund me are theorized to be interlopers or maybe people just using this to try to get money—as it deviates from the original iteration.
Do you happen to know the username? The naming scheme also changed in the past few days when the new asking for money showed up.
If not that’s ok. 👌
Might be because of your instance. I still haven’t gotten one.
There’s been no evidence of this leading to a scam — romance or otherwise. So, now it’s a theory that this poor woman is most likely not aware and possibly being blackmailed.
I was just memeing but the “rare” part more seriously would be a new photo drop that we haven’t had before. The newest photo is her looking down. All of the photos increasingly look like a hacked feed of a real person who is unaware they’re having their photo taken.
The drive behind collecting information is more from a benevolent stance of trying to warn this real person irl that her likeness is being exploited.
If it’s a rare Nicole you have to post it that’s the rules now. You have to. Promise if it’s a rare Nicole you’ll post. PROMISE
I just want to second this comment and chime in with my experiences. (Thanks also for the information on Framework as I’m not familiar and love to learn)
My family primarily uses Thinkpads. We refurbish them for fun (and often give them away to our community). We run Linux easily on almost all our Thinkpads. So far, Linux works very well even on some old machines (as old as 2012 which wouldn’t be what OP is looking for but still worth mentioning).
We try different distros all the time but mostly stick with Fedora and PopOS.
Right now, I am on a refurbished Thinkpad T480s running PopOS. The 7th gen processor is probably too slow for OP but it runs Linux great and it can even handle running a large dwarf fortress through Steam haha. The T480s also has a touchscreen option (and screens can often be swapped out). The T480s screens usually have a hinge where they can lay completely flat (although, I’m not sure if they are pen compatible).
A more recent Thinkpad with a better processor could be an option for OP to consider in addition to the other great suggestions you made. :)
We used a rigged cookie jar in my lab before small animal surgery Haha