Shall I compare thee, to a Cretaceous day?
Shall I compare thee, to a Cretaceous day?
I’m kind of on Google’s side here. Especially during covid, chatting in IM essentially replaced hallway chatter. Nobody would want all of their verbal communications in an office being recorded on the record. Having IMs be off the record by default seems reasonable to me.
It is a little strange that they are both holding the ends of the cigarette that is supposedly lit with all that smoke.
Honestly I really miss being able to record live TV with a VCR. I still watch tv with an antenna, mainly for football games, and it would be really nice if there was a way I could record them. Whenever I’ve looked into making my own DVR it just seems too expensive and confusing.
I thought this was a mini-pc to compete with the mac mini, until I realized its streaming only. I’d much rather cough up the extra $250 for the insane jump in power that the mac mini gives you.
Changing the channel on the tv itself instead of having a clicker.
Yeah I agree with you there.