I’ve been sitting jobless, graduated with a useless degree and no motivation or direction since about a year. I have not completed any projects yet, so I have nothing to show. I contribute a little bit of here and there testing GitLab features and NixOS bugs and packages.

The project I’m working on right now is a half-assed SvelteKit personal portfolio with badly designed Tailwind components - I’ve started it last December and it’s still pending. Done a few React project here and there and quit it halfway. Same story for backend in Gin and ExpressJS. I’ve also left my SQlite clone and TUI text editor incomplete.

I was thinking of working with an open source maintainer who can mentor me in any project that can teach me transferrable skills while also not being very niche, like Vulkan or DSP-related. It doesn’t necessarily have to be web-dev, but if so, I’d like to favour server-side. I was thinking of Forgejo, but my previous experience with GitLab is making me consider avoiding it. I was also thinking about Windowmaker and Hurd, but they’re both going to be way too difficult and also niche.

If I had to be honest, I suck at all languages, but I have played around with Ruby, C, C++, Java, JS, TS, Lua, OCaml, Guille, Go and Python. A little bit of everything. Also a little bit of Docker, Nix, and basic Linux terminal.