If you count anything with a battery/plug as a robot that may not be too far fetched.
By that definition, I would say they reached that milestone quite a while ago.
Grandpa with a pace-maker is gonna be happy!
But how often do men have sex with robots? I didn’t even know we were competing…
There is no competition, but a shitty tabloid’s gotta make money somehow
Does that mean my girlfriend is a robot?
has she ever harmed a human being, or let a human being become harmed due to inaction?
does she obey orders given by humans that do not lead to humans getting harmed?
does she protect her own existence, unless it would cause harm to human beings?
if you answered “yes” to all of the above, she seems to follows asimovs laws of robotics and thus might be a robot, if you answered “no” to any of the questions:
do you really think companies would put safety meassures into products unless they are forced to?!
Also the 3 laws were specifically designed to have lots of loopholes, otherwise the stories wouldn’t exist
deleted by creator
Just test whether she can harm someone by finding someone who will anger her to such an extent that she will hit them, proving she is no robot.
The article is from 2016?
It’s the sun, they are a Murdoch tabloid famous for evading accountability for the shit they cause
One of the many reasons Liverpool is a great city is their unanimous rejection of the paper following the Hillsborough disaster. Reading the sun is a more serious crime than murder there.
That’s the story of 2016.
thats the joke . wav ;)
oils diodes nervously
this comment is going to live somewhere in my head for a while i can already tell
I can’t blame them. Robots won’t vote to legislate their fetuses.
Excited for automated Twitter handles to finally receive full enfranchisement.
The robot looks so bored, I feel it bro. We’re just tools for some people.
For people not from the UK: The Sun is a bad joke of a publication. I would recommend reading some of their articles if you’re in the mood for a good laugh…but I don’t really want them to get the clicks.
Now for the sad part: this is one of the most widely circulated news publications in the UK and people seem to read it seriously.
We’ve got plenty of Murdoch Press in the States. You don’t have to explain what a shitty right-wing tabloid is.
If “Robot” includes vibrators of all variations this might already be true
Futurama imagined old phone booths would be re-purposed into suicide booths but apparently other services could be offered while on lunch break.
I mean, if you count vibrators…
Less than 48 hours to go before woman get to have sex with ROBOTS
So after the 3…2…1… No more happy new year. It is fuckfest25. I m in plx