- Easy Mode: Weird Al tracks are allowed.
- Hard Mode: No Weird Al.
I cant hear American Pie without it turning into Weird Al’s The Saga Begins
Don McLean almost sing Weird Al’s lyrics too during live performances…
Easy Mode: Amish Paradise
Hard Mode: Shia LaBeouf
49 times we fought that beast
Your old man and me
I used to riiiide across the deserts you know, I used to gliiiide on my speeder, pray that I dont fiiind… what i don’t wanna find
This was the one I was coming to add. It gets stuck in my head for weeks.
I think of these trilogy of songs often
Easy: Party in the CIA
Hard: I need a crit (Cantina Thirteen) a parody of simple plan"s I’m just a Kid
Seconded Party in the CIA!
Maybe a stretch as it’s not parodying a song but parodies Star Wars kinda sorta? Seagulls! (Stop it Now)
Lonely Island has a few (Jack Sparrow) comes to mind but again not a direct parody of a specific song.
Richard Cheese does straight up covers but they are so stylistically different that it’s basically a parody. Chop Suey
Then there’s the classic comedy music duos: Garfunkel & Oates (Loophole), Flight of the Conchords (Business Time)
Bo Burnham’s whole Inside special is fantastic too.
Looks like I’m mostly listing comedy music and not necessarily parodies, but oh well.
Bo Burnham’s Kanye Rant
Nanobot by A Capella Science. The whole channel is pretty good, but this song just shines above the pack. Shivers every time:
As an mtg player these parodies are referenced enough that I think of them instead of the originals:
The Bad Lip Sync version of Gotye (Kicked Your Monkey And I Used Your Goat) kinda always comes to mind
Pachelbel Rant by Rob Paravonian
United breaks guitars.
Not quite parody but…
Easy Mode:
Definitely 2 of my favorite Weird Al songs that I don’t really hear people ever talk about:
Don’t Download This Song, and Virus Alert.
Hard Mode:
I don’t listen to non-Weird Al parody songs anymore and haven’t since late middle school to early highschool, so I got none in my head anymore.
- Y.O.D.A. - YODA (Weird Al)
- Hello Muddah, Hello Fuddah (Alan Sherman), based on a song from the opera La Gioconda
Marge, is Lisa at Camp Granada?
I first visited London only a few months after this came out. It was stuck in my head the moment I got on the platform at Heathrow.
I cannot listen to The Jam without this playing in my head.
I saw ‘The Jam’ and clicked the link.
I’m ruined.I just went on Youtube and watched the real song that was posted 15 years ago.
The comments are flooded with “RIP Rick Bucker” (drummer) from 15 days ago.
Now I’m ruined.
I am never forget the day I first meet the great Lobachevsky.
He took me by the hand, and beat my head against the wall!
In one word, in one word he told me the secret of success in mathematics: