• sinceasdf@lemmy.world
    8 hours ago

    I was an apple tech for a time. With iPads that were out of warranty (basically go buy a new one or GTFO) and exhibiting a certain display issue, I would take it in the back and slam the thing on a counter at a certain angle. Worked every time for that particular problem.

    • sga@lemmings.world
      28 minutes ago

      why and how did that work, how hard were you slamming it, I am presuming not hard enough to break glass, but than, what would such a slam do? I am going to presume these were LCDs, and maybe the the liquid crystals would have gone too cold, and maybe by smacking, you somehow freed them or something. I would like to know more.

  • Goretantath@lemm.ee
    9 hours ago

    Stopped using the PC for a week. Came back and an update came out and everything was good. Sometimes theres nothing you can do.

  • Ray1992xD@feddit.nl
    10 hours ago

    First things first: if people call me they really have a problem and 9 times out of 10 it is not their fault. But, me standing next to the machine while they reproduce the problem “fixes” it about half the time.

    Seems like random glitches that only last a minute or two.

  • Communist@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
    12 hours ago

    I have possibly the dumbest workaround to anything in history

    bindntr=CTRL,C,exec,hyprctl activewindow | rg -q "class: Wfica" && ( sleep 0.02 && hyprctl closewindow class:alacrittyclipboard ; alacritty -qq --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacrittyclipboard.toml --class 'alacrittyclipboard' --title 'Office 365 Desktop (SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit)' -e sh -c 'sleep 0.03 && xclip -o | copyq copy - ; copyq clipboard | xclip -i' ) & ( sleep 0.2 && closewindow class:alacrittyclipboard )
    windowrulev2 = float,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = noborder,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = noanim,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = noblur,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = opacity 0,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 
    windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1,class:(alacrittyclipboard) 

    allow me to explain this monstrocity… the clipboard in citrix workspace is broken in a stupid way

    it doesn’t update the system clipboard unless you move focus away from the window… and out of focus windows can’t update the clipboard for security reasons… this makes it so that if I hit ctrl c when citrix is open it opens a terminal window that’s tiny, invisible and steals focus that essentially forces the clipboard to work.

    nonsense hack, but it works

  • dave@feddit.uk
    10 hours ago

    Lots of percussive maintenance going on around here, but one that sticks in my mind was testing some of the first 486DX PCs in 1990. One particular specimen from Compaq would only boot after hard power off by taking the lid off and tapping the CPU with a screwdriver. Worked fine after that.

  • 5parky@lemmy.world
    11 hours ago

    I have revived multiple computers and my mom’s windshield wipers with concussive application of a rubber chicken.

  • saigot@lemmy.ca
    17 hours ago

    For several years my pc would only turn on while at a 45degree angle, not on its side and not upright but tilted 45degrees. After it turned on I could put it back and it’d be fine.

    Eventually I moved and the pc ended up upside down and shaken, I put it down and a screw fell out of the psu. Problem solved!

  • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    Had a dvd player that would skip all the time even if it was a brand new dvd. Got pissed off and threw it at the wall. Girlfriend plugged it back in a couple hours later and it never skipped again.

    • Lv_InSaNe_vL@lemmy.world
      21 hours ago

      I did this with a google home mini. I could not get it to work correctly, got mad, threw it at a wall, and put it in a box.

      A few months later I found it, plugged it in, and it works perfectly. Except the strange rattle if you shake it haha

  • MoonMelon@lemmy.ml
    1 day ago

    Maybe not dumb just dark and absurd, but called the cops.

    Worked at a retail computer store with repair shop. Extremely assholish customer drops off his machine for an install of a “defective” piece of hardware he couldn’t manage to install on his own, arguing that install should be free because it’s our fault, somehow. Service manager cuts him a deal anyway just to make him happy.

    He drops off his PC. Tech takes the machine, boots it up, bam… CSAM on his desktop. Cops came and got the PC, never saw the piece of shit again.

    Actually this happened a few times but only once was the customer rude at first.

    Retail is depressing.

  • flubba86@lemmy.world
    20 hours ago

    In my early 20s I had a part-time job as a pizza delivery driver. When there were no deliveries, I would answer phones or take orders at the counter. One day one of the touchscreen monitors at the counter stopped working. It was just black all the time. So we were told not to use it.

    A few days later I was on lunch shift and bored, I was trying random things to see if I could fix the monitor. Switched the inputs, switched to a different VGA cable, etc. At one point I discovered the touch panel was still working, I could interact with the OS, even though nothing was displaying. I was pressing around different areas of the screen and I accidentally found that pressing right in the centre of the screen caused the display to re-appear! It would disappear again after a few seconds. Press that spot again, it came back. I was fascinated by this, I showed some coworkers, they didn’t care.

    Over the course of the day it was getting harder to make the display re-appear. It gradually needed to be pressed quite forcefully to come back. I started using my knuckles to knock sharply on the spot, and that was working.

    When my manager arrived for the night shift, I was excited to show him my discovery. I said “hey man, I kinda fixed this monitor, watch this!” And I enthusiastically knocked hard on the centre of the screen with my first. The LCD lit up and showed the display, but at the same time shattered in a rainbow ring the shape of my fist.

    The look on my manager’s face was of awe and horror. I was trying to explain what I had meant to do, but I realised what it must’ve looked like to him. “Hey man, watch me fix this monitor!” Before smashing the screen with a swift punch. It wasn’t possible to explain it a way that didn’t sound crazy.

    In the end I convinced him that the monitor was faulty anyway, and we were going to replace it anyway, so my accident breaking it more is not a big deal.

    • evasive_chimpanzee@lemmy.world
      23 hours ago

      In engineering speak, that’s referred to as “percussive maintenance”.

      I had a situation ten or so years ago working on a machine that displayed an error code i didn’t recognize. I looked in the manual, and it had descriptions for error messages like (E1, E2, etc.), but the message was a couple numbers higher than the highest error in the manual (and as a side note, it’s really dumb to program a machine to give an error message without a corresponding key).

      I looked through the handwritten old log book for the machine, and found someone referencing the same error code in the early 90’s. The error back then occurred after the machine was moved, but it cleared up after being moved again. We guessed that the issue was a loose connection that got jostled back into place. The machine had just been moved slightly again before our issue, so we assumed it was the same.

      We ended up opening the machine, and just poking around until we hit the right wire that reconnected itself and cleared the error message. We wrote that down in the log book as a “digital re-alignment” (digital as in fingers).

    • Bosht@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Sounds exactly like some shit that would happen to me, lmao. Glad you didn’t lose your job over it!

  • AceStructor@feddit.org
    1 day ago

    When I worked as an intern in a fancy restaurant I had my workspace in the kitchen below the radio (which was always on when we were prepping). I had braces at the time and the general opinion was, that I was functioning as an extension to the antenna. The radio was only working when I stood at one specific spot (or when I was not present at all).

  • DancingBear@midwest.social
    1 day ago

    The old elevisions. Used to be able to get a better signal by sticking a paper clip in the back; and then taking another paper clip and bending it so it can connect to the first while gripping a butterknife

  • Charely6@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Around 2013-2014ish when the fake FBI viruses when commen, I worked at a tech help desk at my university fixing student computers.

    We didn’t have a bootable virus scan avaliable but I discovered it you ctrl-alt-deleted you could tell the system to log out, it would close everything and log out.

    but if during a split second when the device was turning on before the virus blocked the screen and actions you opened a word doc or something,

    then when you logged out it would close everything (including the virus’s window that was blocking the screen) but the word doc and ask if you wanted to save the document first. By hitting cancel it would stop the logout completely and we could run the various virus scans to get rid of it.

    • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      This reminds me of way back when i beat a virus with task manager.

      This one was showing as a process in task manager. If you killed it, it would just reappear moments later. I even tried finding the folder it was installing on my pc via rightclick on the program in task manager and clicking “open file location” closing the program and deleting its install folder. But it would still come back, installed somewhere else.

      After some time messing around, i noticed that another program would show in the task manager, then the virus would appear, and then the other program would close and disappear from the task manager. All within about 1 or 2 seconds

      So i killed the task, waited for the other program to appear right click it fast, open file location, and there it was, a different folder with a program that auto runs when the virus is removed to reinstall the virus and close itself to avoid detection.

      I deleted that folder and then killed the virus program in the task manager, and it didn’t reappear. I had won!

      I seem to recall it was resistent to virus scanners for this reason.

      But this was about 20 years ago so i doubt there are viruses that unsophisticated now.

      • ThatOneSin@lemmy.world
        1 day ago

        I had something similar. I was looking at my processes one day for some reason, when I noticed CuteFTP. Now, I knew what it was, but I knew for a fact that I hadn’t installed it. Some investigation led to a hidden folder containing some scripts. One of them was for remote control via an IRC channel. So I hopped in the channel and had a chat with the user who was set to admin the bot on my computer.

        Edit: Formatting.

      • Charely6@lemmy.world
        22 hours ago

        Yeah around the same time as those fbi ones there were ones like that but they generated new ones with randomized names trying to hide. I think

    • Bosht@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Fucking baller status. There were a couple of fixes, not as complex as yours of course, that I figured out during the wild west of internet and virus infection. Can’t remember any of it in detail, but yeah, shit was it’s own kind of puzzle and was awesome to find a fix like this.